Earned Value Analysis to Know Real Health and Performance of Your Project.

Earned Value Analysis to Know Real Health and Performance of Your Project.

The Project/Program Managers usually evaluate the triple constraints i.e. Time, Scope and Cost. While evaluating this IRON TRIANGLE, they are trying to judge if the ongoing project…

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Risk Based Testing - Know the right time to account it and implement it

Risk Based Testing - Know the right time to account it and implement it

It is real hard to comment at what point the testing should be denoted as enough testing. It’s even more difficult to predict that the product is defect free post…

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4 important tips you will need to handle your new client better

4 important tips you will need to handle your new client better

It’s quite often that we all face a lot of challenges when getting on to the newer assignments and engagements while we work on any business streams. The challenges may…

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