Importance of Survey’s in Organization

Importance of Survey’s in Organization

Surveys are vital and important to all kind of services we provide to endusers/clients. Surveys are basically created with multiple questionnaire to evaluate the current situation. There are surveys with…

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Explore One of The Most Remarkable Pyramid Building in Pune, India & Its Unique Features

Explore One of The Most Remarkable Pyramid Building in Pune, India & Its Unique Features

Ever wonder why some buildings appear inviting and thrilling while others don't? Every structure is unique in both appearance and impact. Nevertheless, some inherent outlook separates hateful structures from beautiful…

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7 Most Popular IT Services for Businesses: First Important IT Service for a Business is Software Development Services

7 Most Popular IT Services for Businesses: First Important IT Service for a Business is Software Development Services

Effective IT services and systems are necessary for any business, regardless of size, to boost productivity. Strong and dependable IT services help businesses stay competitive, whether it is by utilizing…

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An Introduction to the Basics of Steganography

An Introduction to the Basics of Steganography

Steganography is derived from the Greek word steganographia, which combines the words steganós, which means "covered or veiled," and -graphia, which means "writing."
Steganography is the art of concealing secret communications…

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An Introduction to Tools for Monitoring Web Services & Applications

An Introduction to Tools for Monitoring Web Services & Applications

Monitoring to web service/ application is a difficult task. However, monitoring provides us with the capability to detect and diagnose the web application. In today's article, we will discuss some…

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Top 6 Essential Skills for Every Scrum Master

Top 6 Essential Skills for Every Scrum Master

When you refer to the Scrum Alliance, it defines the role of a Scrum Master as “a facilitator for the team and the product owner. Rather than manage the team,…

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Digital Marketing Trends 2021

Digital Marketing Trends 2021

Digital Marketing is the new face of marketing as the Web is the place where businesses can connect with their target audience. However, the competition is stiff and digital marketing…

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Discover Ways We all Can Use SEO Everyday

Discover Ways We all Can Use SEO Everyday

Over 1.2 trillion searches are processed by the search engine giant Google in a single day!
This shows how we as a generation trust Google for all the information we need.…

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Understanding Risk Based Thinking- ISO 9001:2015

Understanding Risk Based Thinking- ISO 9001:2015

The revised version of ISO 9001 standard in 2015 has introduced a “risk- based approach” after moving away from what it called Preventive action. The risk- based approach is likely…

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Pandemic Pressures on Streaming

Pandemic Pressures on Streaming

Work, Learn,Play &Connect Remote
A tidal wave that Covid -19 spilled across the world has impacted our lives and drastically changed our behavioral patterns overnight, the biggest impact being the lockdowns…

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