Learn About the Digital Transformation in IT Industry Through Managed Services

Learn About the Digital Transformation in IT Industry Through Managed Services

Over the past several years, managed services have grown at an accelerated rate. It is expanding at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.6% at the moment due to…

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Why Are Independent Application Testing Services Inevitable for Digital Transformation?

Why Are Independent Application Testing Services Inevitable for Digital Transformation?

Every web application's success is decided by the functionality it offers as well as its ability to effectively execute those features. A web application…

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How Enterprise Solutions by T/DG Can Help Your Enterprise

How Enterprise Solutions by T/DG Can Help Your Enterprise

With shifting market dynamics and constantly evolving technologies, having a competitive advantage requires introducing products and services to the market as quickly as possible. All processes and activities must be…

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An Introduction to Tools for Monitoring Web Services & Applications

An Introduction to Tools for Monitoring Web Services & Applications

Monitoring to web service/ application is a difficult task. However, monitoring provides us with the capability to detect and diagnose the web application. In today's article, we will discuss some…

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Facts You Probably Didn't Know About the Internet of Things (IoT)

Facts You Probably Didn't Know About the Internet of Things (IoT)

Did you know that 60% of Americans are sharing their personal vehicle data with the manufacturers?

This fact is from GoodWorkLabs and it is likely to bring up a very common…

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Transition to Paperless Seamless Business Operations with Enterprise Mobile Solutions

Transition to Paperless Seamless Business Operations with Enterprise Mobile Solutions

In a world where everything is going mobile, implementing enterprise mobile solutions has become a must. When your business – as well as your users – are going around the…

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How Digital HRMS is the Solution to Challenges in Digital Transformation of Enterprises

How Digital HRMS is the Solution to Challenges in Digital Transformation of Enterprises

Digital transformation has been one of the biggest buzzwords since the last few years, as we witness enterprises across the globe take the road towards digitalization in a big way.…

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The SaaS Solution, Evolution and Challenges For Companies

The SaaS Solution, Evolution and Challenges For Companies

In the era of digitalization, more and more companies across the globe are switching to online collaborative tools. This has resulted in the growth and demand for SaaS (Software as…

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