The Power of Agile Test Automation in Modern Software Development Businesses

The Power of Agile Test Automation in Modern Software Development Businesses

Agile Test Automation's Power in Today's Software Development Businesses are continuously looking for ways to speed up software delivery without sacrificing quality in today's fast-paced digital market. This is where…

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What CRM Quality Assurance Is and Why It's Important?

What CRM Quality Assurance Is and Why It's Important?

Do you know if your CRM system underperforms and malfunctions, it can cost you 12% of your revenue? Here CRM quality assurance kicks in to prevent this costly pitfall, let’s…

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Revolutionizing Software Quality Assurance by Embracing Next-Generation Test Automation Tool

Revolutionizing Software Quality Assurance by Embracing Next-Generation Test Automation Tool

In the rapidly evolving realm of digitalization, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to adapt and excel. As technology continues to advance, the need for efficient and effective test automation…

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Using No Coding Testing Tool Helps the QA Engineers To Gain Edge Over Other Competitors

Using No Coding Testing Tool Helps the QA Engineers To Gain Edge Over Other Competitors

Industry leaders frequently use terms like low-code, no-code, and codeless to describe tools and frameworks that require little to no coding in the context of test automation. Another common term…

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Make Your QA Test Improvements Easier with The Use of Automated Record and Playback Testing Software

Make Your QA Test Improvements Easier with The Use of Automated Record and Playback Testing Software

What is Record and Playback TestingRecord and playback testing, often known as codeless automation, is a method of running tests without the need for programming skills. This is accomplished through…

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Why a Test Report System is Significant for Continuous Testing

Why a Test Report System is Significant for Continuous Testing

Every business wants to gain sustainable competitive advantage, and one method to do so is to provide the greatest products and services. Companies rely…

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Overcoming Limitations of Jira as a Test Management Tool with QARAJ

Overcoming Limitations of Jira as a Test Management Tool with QARAJ

We often tend to find that a software is being used for a purpose very different from what it is designed for. There are…

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Understanding the Need for test Management Tools in the Agile World

Understanding the Need for test Management Tools in the Agile World

Since the software application market is fiercely competitive, with new apps and updates coming out every now and then, it is more crucial than ever…

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Why Are Independent Application Testing Services Inevitable for Digital Transformation?

Why Are Independent Application Testing Services Inevitable for Digital Transformation?

Every web application's success is decided by the functionality it offers as well as its ability to effectively execute those features. A web application…

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QARA Enterprise Suite Add On for Advanced Test Management in Jira

QARA Enterprise Suite Add On for Advanced Test Management in Jira

Whether you're a programmer or QA expert, you'll agree that Jira is a software that doesn't need an introduction. Jira is an issue tracking…

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