What CRM Quality Assurance Is and Why It's Important?

What CRM Quality Assurance Is and Why It's Important?

Do you know if your CRM system underperforms and malfunctions, it can cost you 12% of your revenue? Here CRM quality assurance kicks in to prevent this costly pitfall, let’s…

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Explore Benefits of Automated Employee Productivity Management Platform

Explore Benefits of Automated Employee Productivity Management Platform

Managing the productivity of employees in the current scenario when the entire workforce is working remotely, is one of the key challenges of the HR department today. After all, when…

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Geofencing with Digital HRMS: Employee Attendance Management Simplified with Real-Time Tracking

Geofencing with Digital HRMS: Employee Attendance Management Simplified with Real-Time Tracking

What is geofencing? Well geofencing is a term that refers to the creation of a geofence or virtual barrier around a specific location. Geofencing technology has found multiple applications across…

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Time Tracking with Digital HRMS: Keep Your Clients Updated on Resource Task Completion

Time Tracking with Digital HRMS: Keep Your Clients Updated on Resource Task Completion

The year 2020 has witnessed a drastic change in the way employees work, with the Covid-19 pandemic forcing a huge section of the global working population to work remotely from…

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