Pandemic Pressures on Streaming

Work, Learn,Play &Connect Remote
A tidal wave that Covid -19 spilled across the world has impacted our lives and drastically changed our behavioral patterns overnight, the biggest impact being the lockdowns across the globe, along with the changing times, conflicting information emerging daily that’s difficult to digest, intense pressure on world economy, whiplash on personal goals, so on and forth…
What does this all mean? Social Distancing, classroom assignments on Google classroom, everything from office meetings to happy hours with friends, all on Digital space. Yes, bringing a huge surge on the world of home internet usage, putting pressure on broadband infrastructure. We live in a connected world today with smartphones, sensors, Bluetooth, trackers, which generates large amount of Data.
Here is the glimpse of Internet traffic and streaming data:
According to Forbes, the preliminary stats says that Internet hits jumped from 50% to 70% and streaming is up by 12%. Service providers are trying to cope up with this unpick demand, pushing Internet harder then ever before. Experts say that normal hours for steaming during regular days is 4 hrs a day but now it rose to 10hrs a day. It’s well known that traffic increases with the Public announcements like in stay home orders, schools and other businesses shutdown etc. and the quality of the streaming gradually deteriorates as traffic increases rapidly and ISPs have little time to react. Well, the Internet connection effect is totally based on the regional policies and population swifts. However, the elastic nature of modern websites and applications somewhat helps.

The apps and sites have managed traffic load as well, as shown below.

Even without foreseeing the impact of the pandemic, the world envisioned a future that would require broadband sufficient to handle the demands of mass telework, remote working and streaming entertainment. Data that is coming now can help in designing the future.
The sun will continue to shine, people will get back to normal, kids will be back in school and adults back to work and we will think about our plans for future again but let’s do it in a meaningful way. We have to learn and accept few changes in our day to day lifestyles after this pandemic is over.The shift in Tech and Service Industry is inevitable
We all should potentially think about long-term impacts this pandemic will have on our industry and also society as a whole. We have to prioritize bandwidth traffic and shaping core business applications for business and personal use. Internet video traffic streaming to be provided for essential new providers, Hyper scale cloud vendors like Amazon webservices, Microsoft Azure, Google Compute, Oracle Cloud and IBM Cloud is solution for future, centralization of retail and food distribution - like driven pick up services.
We all are in this together – Lets make a change for better, brighter tomorrow.
Ref: Fastly,Forbes, NY times.