5 Work from Home Best Practices During COVID-19 Pandemic

In the current scenario, due to the outbreak of COVID-19, most of us are forced to stay indoors and work from home. This is the first time in most of our lives when Work From Home is not a matter of choice or permission, but something unavoidable. This has completely changed our approach – not just to work alone, but also to how we connect with people, manage our daily chores and even how we socialize. In these trying times, the human race relies on technology like never before. Today we realize what a blessing technology has been in the lives of you and me (Imagine times like these without the Internet and social apps!).
However, in spite of all the convenience that technology brings, self-isolation can be difficult at times. Here are 5 things you can do to ensure a smooth sailing when it comes to working from the confines of your home in these difficult times.
1] Find the Right Work Environment

When working from home, most of us intuitively throw ourselves on the couch or sit on the bed to get started with our work day. However, this is not at all recommended. It always helps to find a space that you can call your "office". In other words, in order to bring out the productive side of you, you need to be in a space that is only meant for work. You may use a desk or a table as your workstation. Ensure that you clean the space and remove clutter before you begin.
2] Keep Distractions to a Minimum
When you are at your office desk, the distractions are limited. However, when working from home, where you have your family and even kids, there can be a lot of distractions. The rule of thumb is to let your family know that work is priority and make your kids understand that you've planned breaks in between your work hours and it's only during the breaks that they can interact with you.
Also, practicing self-discipline is key when it comes to your work hours, which means you need to fight the temptation of watching your favourite TV programme or playing a few levels of your favourite game.
3] Don't Forget to Take Breaks in Between

When we are at the workplace, our colleagues and friends remind us to join them for a quick cup of coffee or quick bites of snacks at the office cafeteria. However, when working from home, especially if you are living alone, it's very important to remind yourself to take breaks in between. Setting up reminders for this purpose is agreat idea, in case you tend to forget to take a break after every few hours of working. Use the break hours to move around or do some quick stretching exercises.
4] Stay Connected with Your Team

When working from home, it can sometimes feel lonely and isolated.Hence, it becomes all the more important to stay connected with your team. Thankfully, we have the latest technology to support us in this. Just make use of platforms like Google Hangouts, Zoom, etc. You can even catch up with your teammates and colleagues for a virtual cup of coffee, or plan some quick fun activities over one of these video calling apps.
5] Plan Your Day Before You Begin

When you are working from home, it can sometimes be difficult to focus, with all kinds of distractions around. Hence, the right approach is to plan your day ahead and make a list of all that you want to achieve for the day. Also, dressing appropriately can have a big impact on your approach. This doesn't mean you choose to wear formals all the time - it's just that wearing too casual clothes can make you get the "weekend" vibe!
To make your work from home stint a success, you need to strike the right work life balance. Remember that we are all in this together. After your work for the day is completed, don't forget to spend some quality time with your family.