Automation Test Reporting Best Practices for Beginners

Since apps are growing more complicated and testing the current applications require a more intelligent approach than ever before, test automation might be a difficult chore nowadays. Test automation solutions of the modern day provide more than simply automation; they also function as platforms for entire test management.
Automation testing nowadays entails using automated technologies to run test cases with little human participation, then comparing the results and generating test reports using a test case report system. Yes, new age test automation tools serve as advanced test case report tools that help you generate automated detailed reports for analysis of test performance. QARA Enterprise is an example of a test case report tool that offers advanced test reporting functionality to help QA professionals analyze success and failure of test executions with just a few clicks on the test case report system.
Here we shall look at some of the best practices for QA professionals when it comes to test automation reporting.
1] Requirements Analysis
The requirement is the first thing you should think about while reporting test cases. Who is going to look over the test report and draw conclusions? In the first place, what are the objectives of the testing process? The right answers are important because they will help you develop a report that is appropriate. Try to figure out what the stakeholders want and make it a point to incorporate all of these details along with any relevant discoveries. A test case report tool like QARA Enterprise makes it easy to document the requirements for easy reference.
2] Planning for Future
Every effective test report includes not only the data that demonstrates what was done, but also what is planned for the future. As a result, one of the most important test case reporting best practises is to pay attention to what's coming up in the near future, and a test case report tool helps you achieve this with ease. When stakeholders review your test report, they will be able to gain a sense of what to expect next and, if necessary, redefine priorities.
3] Keep Record of Challenges
The testing procedure may not always be easy, and obstacles will always arise. However, besides what has been accomplished, it is critical that your test report discusses the obstacles and roadblocks encountered. The reports generated by the QARA Enterprise test case report tool enlists the challenges faced by the QA team along the way. This is especially true if there are instances where performance has fallen short of expectations. When highlighting areas where the test execution process failed to achieve the expected result or level of productivity, it is necessary to discuss the challenges in order to overcome them.
4] Pay Attention to the Little Details
You should always check over the report again before sending it in to ensure that you don't miss any important details. This is a test case reporting best practice, as recommended by experts. Make time to review the test report for proper formatting, spelling issues, and to see if extra points are needed to provide greater clarity. Usually, a test case report tool takes care of this, but you should still be careful enough.
5] Continue to Practice
Last but not least, one of the most highly suggested test case reporting best practises is to practise generating reports. Make a conscious effort to learn from the mistakes you make and to identify methods to improve the report's detail and readability. You can also learn and develop by experimenting with the reporting functionality of a test case report tool like QARA Enterprise. Always make sure to keep the requirements in mind when developing reports, and then practise generating more and more reports.
Want to witness what makes the QARA Enterprise the ideal test case report system your QA team needs for detailed test performance reports? Visit, contact us or drop an email on and our team will get in touch with you.