Discover the Benefits of Text Mining API for Your Enterprise

Unstructured enterprise data is extremely different and far more complex than the data you see on the internet every day. The data on the web is streamlined and organized, whereas unstructured enterprise data is not. Add in the reality that the volume of enterprise data is rapidly expanding, and businesses are facing a massive challenge.

The key lies in the modern text analysis platform. The purpose of the new age text analysis platform was to help businesses discover hidden insights from the massive amounts of unstructured company data that are continually expanding. The text analysis platforms come with a variety of methods for extracting the most useful information from company data. 3RDi Search is an enterprise search engine with all of the text mining features you'll need to use your company's data to make smarter business decisions.

How a Text Mining API Powers the New Age Enterprise Search Engine

So, every enterprise today needs an enterprise search platform to analyze and make sense of the large volumes of enterprise data. However, it is important to know what powers these new age machines to analyze the most complex unstructured enterprise data, and the answer is a text mining API.

Retina API is an example of a text mining API that powers the 3RDi Search Enterprise Search platform. 3RDi's Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Text Analysis engine is called Retina API. It gives you the ability to see through unstructured language and reveal hidden information, resulting in a better search experience. It comes with a huge number of thesauri and taxonomies pre-installed, and it can also be used with custom (and ancient) vocabularies. You get a ready-to-use, yet adaptable semantic enrichment that can be readily customized to suit any given domain.

Benefits of a Powerful Text Mining API

One of the most effective ways to reduce time to market and witness great ROI is using Text Mining APIs that power Enterprise Search engines. This means your users get a really good search experience with minimum efforts. Here we shall have a look at the benefits that a text mining API brings to the enterprise.

Simplify the Search Experience

Developers may focus on business logic that pertains to their use cases rather than worrying about the infrastructure of constructing and administering a search engine by building on top of existing features.

Automation Made Simple

Developers may easily plug the search functions into available data pathways and integrations to quickly start data to flow because the search engine's infrastructure is abstracted away using a simple API.

Cost Efficient

A search engine with scalability can be expensive to build.  It's a highly technical position that necessitates developers with advanced knowledge of distributed systems and performance optimization. Outsourcing these roles and giving yourself freedom on the kind of developers you would require to construct your genuine core product can be incredibly beneficial.

Do you have a question or require a customized quote? We're happy to address any questions you have about the Retina API or the 3RDi Enterprise Search Platform. We will gladly assist you if you contact us via email.

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