Exploring the Best Practices for Enterprise Search

How significant is enterprise search and do businesses really need to invest in an advanced new age enterprise search tool? Well, the answer is – yes. We are in a world that is increasingly driven by data and so the most powerful tool that enterprises can have today is an effective data analytics and search platform. Thankfully, we have quite a few powerful enterprise search engines that are powered by advanced technology to offer your business the advantage of next level search and analytics.

3RDi Search is an example of an advanced enterprise search platform that is a comprehensive suite of products for all your Enterprise Search needs offering best-in-class solutions for Content Discovery, Semantic Enrichment, Governance, Analytics, Relevancy Management and more.

Explore more about the capabilities of 3RDi Search. Request Live Demo.

However, having a powerful enterprise search engine works best only when complemented by the best practices. So, what are the best practices for effective enterprise search? Let us look at some of the key enterprise search best practices to follow in order to get the most optimized results every single time from your enterprise search platform.

Best Practices for Effective Enterprise Search
The list below showcases the top best practices that enterprises need to make a note of when it comes to leveraging their enterprise search capabilities.

Support for Multiple Platforms
Gone are the days when your users would only access your platform through the desktop computer. Today, users use a plethora of different devices, with multiple operating systems, hardware, screen size, resolution, and so many variable factors to consider. So, in order to be effective, your enterprise search platform should support multiple browsers and platforms, so that there is no restriction on the access to relevant information, be it from any location or using any device.

Don’t Ignore the Power of Search Analytics
Now, creating a powerful user experience is all about ensuring that every user gets the most relevant search results every time. How do you ensure that? Well, it’s easy if you are focusing enough on the potential of search analytics for your enterprise search engine. Search analytics is nothing but insights derived from analyzing the search logs. Search logs hold key information on user behaviour, most frequent search terms, queries that show little to no results and more. It can offer the insights your enterprise needs in order to fine tune your enterprise search platform for better performance.

Focus on Building Scalability
Scalability is an important factor in the success of your enterprise search platform, as higher scalability enables the tool to support greater number of queries at one time, without affecting the quality of the search results.

Make Way for Tolerance for Typos
Let’s admit it – we all make spelling mistakes while typing our query in the search box! Have you ever noticed what Google does when you type in a query with minor errors in spelling? Well, it simply “understands” what you might have intended to type, and shows you the results nevertheless! This is the magic of AI at work, and it eliminates the need to cross check the exact spelling, which adds to user convenience.

Consider Including Smart Suggestions
Smart suggestions take the user convenience a step ahead by suggesting probable search terms to the users as they start typing in the Search box. Google has implemented smart suggestions successfully, and so should the enterprise search platforms.

As technology keeps on evolving, so should your enterprise search platform. The future of search looks promising and the enterprise search platforms of the future are likely to be a lot more advanced than even the most advanced and powerful platforms we have today.

Want to explore the possibilities that a new age enterprise search platform can bring to your enterprise? Visit www.3rdisearch.com or drop us an email at info@3rdisearch.com and our team will get in touch with you.
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