Scheduling Meetings with Digital HRMS: Discover How Managing Online Meetings is Now Easier than Ever

Meetings are an important aspect of the regular professional's day today. They are necessary in order to discuss key ideas and thoughts and agree upon practical resolutions. Meetings are a must when individuals are work together as a team.

While meetings do take up time, managing meetings sometimes take up more time than the meeting itself. When we talk about managing meetings, we refer to the process of scheduling meetings, sending invites, looking for a venue, informing the attendees, sharing the agenda and more. The Digital HRMS Conference Room Booking module has been designed to help the employees manage the meetings seamlessly. The Conference Room Booking Module of the Digital HRMS platform allows employees to book conference rooms from the HRMS platform itself in just a few clicks. What’s more, there is also the provision to reschedule the meetings and edit the details. The invites for the meeting are automatically shared with all the attendees on their MS Outlook email IDs. 

However, with the advent of remote work, meetings are no longer how they used to be. Today, the meetings have moved from the conference rooms to the virtual meetings platforms. Today, people are connecting, discussing and collaborating with their team members and colleagues through online meetings on platforms like MS Teams and GoToMeeting. Digital HRMS recognizes this change and in order to continue making it easy for the professionals, have introduced extended support for online meeting management on multiple meeting software. What’s more, the convenience of automated invites to the attendees and the provision to edit or reschedule meetings, are all a part of the online meeting management platform.

Online Meeting Management with Digital HRMS
Digital HRMS includes the Conference Room Booking module for seamless online meeting management. This module allows the users to schedule meetings on the following online meeting platforms.

Here are the features of the Digital HRMS Conference Room Booking Module that you can effectively use for offline as well as online meeting management.

  • There's a place to keep track of the conference rooms and what's available in each (for offline meetings).
  • Meetings can be scheduled on a daily/weekly basis or on certain dates.
  • Online meetings can be scheduled on a variety of platforms, including MS Teams, GoToMeeting, and Zoom.
  • There is an option to hire a room based on the equipment needed (for offline meetings).
  • Attendees might be marked as Required or Optional.
  • After the meeting is scheduled, auto-generated emails are delivered to all guests' Outlook inboxes.
  • The user can see the specifics of the meetings scheduled as well as a list of meetings scheduled by others in the company.
Want to explore more about the offline and online meeting management platform of the Digital HRMS HR Software?

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