Trends of Automation Testing Tools in Global Market 2024

Companies must look both internally and outside for improvements in their software quality practices in today's fast-changing environment. Let's take a deeper look at test automation data relating to testing difficulties, testing methods, and testing tools to get a sense of the pulse of test automation.
We gathered information from various sources, surveys, and research to assist tech leaders, managers, manual and automation testers, and all teams in understanding the true power of automation testing, the reasons for testing demand, and how it opens the strategic potential of becoming truly agile.
In the future, the most typical response to the requirement for test automation will be to lower the cost or time spent on a software release. And this is only the tip of the iceberg.
Global Automation Testing Market
The market for automated testing was estimated to be worth USD 20.70 billion in 2021 and is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 19.0% over the next five years. During the anticipated period, the growing adoption of cutting-edge technologies will fuel market expansion. The market's growth might be attributed to companies' growing readiness to use sophisticated automated testing techniques like DevOps and Agile strategies. By lowering the time, it takes to automate analysis, these strategies help businesses decrease the time it takes to commercialize their software solutions.
Automation Testing Market Size Global Report, 2022 - 2030 (
The Automation Testing Market is expected to grow at a rate of over 15% between 2023 and 2032, surpassing a value of USD 20 billion in 2022. The growing use of digital media will accelerate market expansion. This expansion can be due to businesses' increasing readiness to adopt advanced automated testing methods like DevOps and Agile approaches.
These techniques assist companies in hastening the commercialization of their software products by cutting down on the time needed to automate analysis. Quick bug elimination, post-deployment debugging, and software integration of unanticipated changes are further benefits of the agile and DevOps approaches. It is anticipated that these advantages would increase demand in a variety of sectors, including financial services, telecommunications, automotive, and government & public.
(Expected Growth Rate-2023-32>15%)
- 2022->$20BN
- 2032->$80BN
Software Testing Techniques Trends
- In 2019, 87% of businesses used the agile or agile-like model as their primary method for testing software development. DevOps came in second with 36%, up from 28% in 2018. (PractiTest)
- Exploratory testing is used as a software testing approach by 82% of businesses, compared to traditional script-based inspection by 61%. (PractiTest)
- Functional or regression testing is automated in 78% of organizations. Only 11% of businesses don't automate their tests. (PractiTest)
Source: 24 Actionable Software Testing Trends and Statistics for 2020 (

Why Automate
Working manually and using non-automated technologies makes it difficult to align the proper kind of the aforementioned operations, which leads to errors, delays, and output blockages that prevent businesses from expanding. Management must take steps to automate different business processes within the company in order to boost efficiency and harmonize all organizational business operations.
A recent survey illustrates increased automation readiness from industry leaders.
- 85% of Industry Leaders said business automation is either a top priority or important.
- 55% of Industry Leaders said improved efficiency is their organization’s primary business motivation for adopting automation.
- 57% of Industry Leaders said automating internal processes is their organization’s primary need.
Source: Automation Testing 101 - Basics and Tools - Vskills Blog

What Software Companies feel about Test Automation
Based on the data provided by Katalon
- 42.5 % companies find - Key Part of QA
- 23.4% companies find Test Automation - New and Promising
- 11.7% companies find Test Automation - New and Unfavorable
- 14.5% companies find Test Automation – Upcoming <6 months
- 8% companies find Test Automation – Not for at least 6 months
Source: Test Automation Statistics for 2022-2023: Issues and Trends - DogQ Blog

There are several clear advantages to using test automation when businesses transition from traditional to agile software development methodologies.
QARA Enterprise, a test management and functional test automation suite, enables the creation, automation, and execution of functional tests for web, desktop, and mobile applications. QARA Enterprise, a cross-platform test automation tool, allows you to run tests on a variety of browsers and devices. It was designed with the purpose of increasing test automation and reducing testing time.
Learn why your QA team should choose QARA Enterprise, the greatest test automation solution available. When you visit, contact us, or send an email to, a member of our team will contact you.