Understanding How a Resume Parsing Software Works

One of the key steps of the recruitment process is the shortlisting of candidates and it involves going through each resume in order to extract the relevant information, which includes:
- Employment Experience information
- Skills and competencies used in the job
- Project and Client Experience details
- Education Details
- Total years of Experience
- Working Domain Experience
- Work Sector Details
- Personal Information of Candidate, etc.
However, when we are talking about large companies and MNCs where there are multiple job openings at any given time, with hundreds of applicants, it can be a near impossible task to sift through the resumes manually. An automated resume parsing software is the solution that recruitment teams need in order to extract data from resumes faster and with high levels of accuracy.

The Digital Resume Parser (DRP) is an example of a strong resume parsing software that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to examine applicants in terms of years of experience, abilities, education, and other factors to find the best match for the job requirement. If you want to increase the efficiency of the recruiting process by screening applicants according to job requirements, DRP is the best choice.
How Digital Resume Parsing Works
A resume parsing software finds and extracts key components of a resume or cover letter, such as the candidate's name, email address, contact information, degree(s) and certifications, relevant skills, current employer name, and previous work experience.
Thanks to advances in machine learning, once the algorithm of the resume parsing services has completed reading a document, you'll be able to conveniently search the resume data for certain keywords or phrases. As you look for the perfect candidate, the computer may search for these terms and bring relevant resumes and applicants to the forefront.
You can also customize the fields and forms of the resume parsing software to collect data that isn't often included in conventional resumes or cover letters, such as languages, community work, or references.
Key Steps of the Resume Parsing Process
The following are the key steps of resume parsing services offered by Digital Resume Parser.
- Input of resumes in multiple formats
- Analysis of Resume Data
- Segregation of resume data into pre-defined categories
- Conversion of data into machine readable output

Want to explore the resume parsing services offered by Digital Resume Parser and know how a powerful resume parsing software can simplify recruitment process for your HR? Visit the website or drop us an email on tdg-marketing@thedigitalgroup.com and our team will help you with your queries.