A Closer Look at the Building Blocks of 3RDi Enterprise

As data continues to grow, there is a growing need for tools that help you analyze this data and derive useful insights from it. Since a major portion of enterprise data is unstructured, the enterprise search tools should be powered by advanced search, text mining and text analysis functionalities. 3RDi Enterprise is one such tool developed by The Digital Group that is a unique, comprehensive scalable model-based Intelligent Search & Discovery platform. It is a powerful solutions accelerator to create search, research & discovery applications rapidly in less than a fraction of the time it would take to create and maintain similar capabilities using conventional search engineering and development approaches.

3RDi Enterprise has Apache SOLR at its core that removes search engineering complexity while raising collaborative transparency & visibility across all groups. Also, its semantic search implementations benefit from an advanced array of built-in capabilities that provide comprehensive high-caliber search, discovery and research capabilities for researchers in Life Sciences and other domains.

Here we shall take a closer look at the building blocks of 3RDi Enterprise – its many model-based capabilities – and learn about their role in creating an enhanced “Intelligent Search” experience.

1] Controlled Vocabularies Manager

The 3RDi Enterprise vocabulary manager is a comprehensive ontology manager that allows for standardized as well as custom vocabulary management and linked data that is managed in a scalable tripe-store with RDF support. It supports taxonomies, ontologies, custom dictionaries, custom schemes as well as linked open data, as shown below. 

Controlled Vocabularies Manager

Several standardized vocabularies such as Wordnet, DBPedia, Geonames, UNESCO, Eurovoc, MeSH, ChemIDPlus & UMLS are also incorporated and available in ready to use “domain cartridges”.

2] Semantic Model Manager

3RDi Enterprise has built-in visual point-and-click semantic model development for query enhancement, concept and entity extraction, disambiguation and content enrichment – leveraging controlled vocabularies, NLP and machine learning. The semantic modeling workbench provides a visual semantic canvas to create multiple semantic models for different text analytics use cases, such as content enrichment, search, recommendations and promotions. These semantic models which are based on linked vocabularies, semantic rulesets and machine learning models, are then executed within Retina – the 3RDi text-analytics engine.

Semantic Model Manager

3RDi Semantic models can be consumed by many use cases in addition to search and also can be applied to enhance search effectiveness of any search engine. As an example, 3RDi Enterprise can be applied for content classification for evidence based medicine research (EBMR), as shown below in a screenshot of ResearchNet.io, a comprehensive research platform powered by 3RDi Search.


3] Retina: The Semantic Text Analytics Engine

The 3RDi Retina module and API is a semantic/text-analytics engine that provides content and context analytics based on 3RDi semantic models for entity and concepts extraction and enrichment. We have conducted several exhaustive benchmarks on our text analytics capabilities – below is a snapshot against leading well known text analytics engines with maturity in the Life Sciences domain as an example.

Retina The Semantic Text Analytics Engine

4] Search Model Manager

3RDi’s core search solutions accelerator is a declarative model-driven search relevancy workbench that seamlessly blends in 3RDi’s semantic models with search relevancy models to achieve relevant search rapidly with a visual modeler and a metrics-driven model validation and tuning capability.

Search Model Manager

5] Search Experience & Effectiveness (SEE) Manager

Once a search implementation is rolled out to end users, the focus typically shifts to monitoring, analyzing and enhancing the end user search experience and effectiveness. 3RDi Enterprise has extensive customizable built-in signal capturing and analytics capabilities. 

3RDi Enterprise analytics manager

In addition, 3RDi SEE signals can be dynamically incorporated into active search models for continuous dynamic learning based on individual user preferences and queries to achieve model-based personalized search.

3RDI - personalized search

3RDi SEE further enhances the end-user search experience with targeted promotions and sponsored listings (which is again just another model) based on automatically identified user interests.

The Final Word

Most serious search implementations take over a year to develop, tune, test and release with conventional search engineering platforms and approaches. 3RDi’s unique model based solution accelerator is a strong foundation for rapid delivery usually in a few months (typically 3-4 months) for a specific set of customer requirements.

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About Author

Over 8+ years of experience & a flair for conceptualizing, developing and implementing innovative practices for IT product/ service marketing and management. Extensive exposure in Digital Marketing, Market Research & Project Management encompassing strategic planning & execution, Campaign Management, Web Portfolio management, Analytics & Reporting, Content Strategy, Social Media, Branding, and team handling. Currently designated as a marketing manager at DIgital Group Inc.

Interest Areas - Search Technology, Natural Language Processing, Semantic Search, Business Analytics, Big Data, Data Analytics

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