Discover Enhanced Test Productivity with QARA Enterprise Test Automation Tool

With over thousands of test cases, the quality assurance process for the software applications today is challenging to maintain, to say the least. The applications are constantly evolving with more features being added. The challenge for the QA teams is to find a way to reduce testing times. There is a need to increase the amount of test cases and the test coverage and at the same time, to improve the overall system quality and productivity without introducing additional testing time. The solution for QA teams today is to automate the testing process in areas where it is possible. Though there are several automation tools available, not all can provide a complete solution that suits the requirements of every business.
Challenges Faced by QA Teams
- Time constraints for development and QA cycle
- Large number of test cases/scenarios for execution to ensure sufficient and effective QA for critical business processes
- Large number of changes (fixes/enhancements) with each release of an application
- Manual testing requires large number of testing staff, results in higher number of errors, provides less test coverage, offers inconsistent results and is time-consuming
- Quick time development of unattended execution of scripts and automatic reporting of execution status to intended recipients
- Maintaining compatibility across the environments, versions of browser and OS while updating the regression scripts / keeping them up-to-date
The solution comes in the form of an advanced test automation platform that can be used by QA teams for complete test management. QARA Enterprise is a suite of products for test management and functional test automation that enables users with minimal programming skills to design, automate, and run functional tests over web, desktop and mobile applications.
QARA Enterprise is a suite of products for test management and functional test automation that enables users with minimal programming skills to design, automate, and run functional tests over web, desktop and mobile applications.
Implementing Higher Test Productivity with QARA Enterprise
The following are the key benefits of using QARA for test automation.
- A dedicated testing team for automated testing helped the client substantially reduce the development costs and focus on newer versions.
- Extensive testing of all the features increased stability and robustness of the product.
- Automated testing enabled the client to achieve aggressive scheduled targets.
- Execution of set of regression test cases without manual intervention at any time by scheduling the task.
- Automatic reporting of execution status to intended recipients
Investing in the right automated software testing tool at an appropriate time can turnaround unproductive projects and can change the way you do business for the better. From reductions in the costs and manual testing efforts to improved ROI and test coverage, T/DG's QARA – Quality Assurance Rapid Automation tool can help enhance the overall productivity and encourage organizations to have efficient leaner testing teams. Click here to explore the Test Automation Approach of QARA Enterprise.