Explore the Next Level of Biomedical Research with ResearchNet

Data is becoming an all-encompassing challenge today for every enterprise across different domains. As data continues to grow, it gets more and more challenging for enterprises to be able to analyze this data in a streamlined manner so as to be able to extract the information hidden within this data. The traditional keyword-based methods of data analysis do not apply to the data that is currently collected by the enterprises. This is because most of this data is unstructured, which means it is not optimized and comes from various different sources and exists in multiple different formats.

The new age enterprise search platform like 3RDi Search is the solution to the data analysis and text mining challenges faced by enterprises today. However, the applications of an advanced text mining platform goes beyond the enterprises and corporate world. For instance, a data intensive field like research, where the researchers are required to look into large volumes of data in order to find the most relevant information, is one of the significant applications of an enterprise search platform.

The Next Level of Biomedical Research

The applications of the capabilities of an enterprise search platform beyond the corporate world, has inspired the ResearchNet.io platform – a platform that is designed to help biomedical researchers find the most relevant information from a wide database of medical literature, and save significant amount of time and efforts in the process. Powered by 3RDi Search, it is an ideal tool to manage the end to end needs of Researchers, like Research, Collaboration and Authoring.

Key Features

  1. Powered with extensive Semantic Intelligence (Retina APIs)
  2. Includes content from Medline, DAOJ, TOXLINE and more (27 Million published articles and growing)
  3. Delivers Best Quality Evidence quickly by leveraging the automated processing of information
  4. Provides Research and Collaboration Portal for Researchers to come together for collaboration
  5. Provides targeted and practical solution through collaboration with Experts and Universities
  6. Integrates MeSH, UMLS, WordNet, DBpedia (Planned extensions: ChemIDplus, ChEBI, GO, NCIt, FDA-ADR)

ResearchNet facilitates easy and effective Research Project Management. The following are the steps of Research Project Management with the platform.


  • Search 27 million publications with integrated PubMed/Medline database
  • Search enabled with world-class medical vocabularies
  • Experience Intuitive Search


  • Organize research work & manage favourites in Personal Library/Project Workspaces
  • Pull PubMed articles for research using the available Chrome plugin
  • Synchronized library with Zotero

Collaboration and Co-Authoring

  • Connect with your colleagues
  • Securely share information in project
  • Jointly author research paper and various other activities

Citation Analytics

  • Track KPIs from the dashboard
  • Identify the most prestigious journals through Journal Manager
  • Analyse citations with number of publication, prestige score, citation count and more

So, you see that ResearchNet.io is indeed an ideal platform for researchers to find the most relevant information for their research in the shortest time. Register today on www.researchnet.io to get started or learn more on how 3RDi Search powers ResearchNet platform.
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