Overcoming Multiple Challenges with 3RDi Content Integration Platform

Today enterprises across the globe are banking on the large volumes of enterprise data in order to draw insights for informed decision making. Data is fast emerging as the largest asset of enterprises as we are in the era of Big Data. What makes data or, to be more precise, enterprise data complex is the fact that it is gathered from multiple sources and is in a variety of formats. Also, in enterprises today, there are multiple devices and computer systems that process data, making it all the more challenging to work with the data. Here are some of the key challenges.

  • Difficulty in content migration between different systems
  • Lack of synchronisation between content from different sources
  • Time consuming process of content search and information findability
  • Difficulty in accessing the content as and when required
  • No provision for data analysis

The challenges are many and the solution is a content integration platform. If you can relate to the challenges mentioned above, then it's time for your enterprise to invest in a content integration platform and 3RDi Search is the solution you have been looking for.

3RDi Search is an advanced comprehensive enterprise search suite that brings to you an entire array of text analysis services for every search and associated need of enterprises today. Content integration is just one of the multiple functionalities of the platform that is designed for advanced text analysis.

Content Integration with 3RDi Search

Are you concerned about the dispersed, varied and scattered data that grows constantly? Well it's obvious to have data in the form of images, emails, graphs, social media or news feeds. That's why, the 3RDi Search platform comes with plugins and adapters that can seamlessly take in a variety of data and merge it to your existing content and vocabulary. A high speed, fail-safe, cloud-backed mechanism ensures an easier and faster integration that is beyond your imagination.

The content integration platform of 3RDi Search makes sure all of the enterprise data, from the diverse sources, are available on a single platform. Experience the ease of managing and analysing this data like never before. The 3RDi Search Content Integration Platform ensures your new data systems are in seamless integration with your legacy systems for a smooth flow of data.

Key Features:

  • Maintaining records of data throughout the enterprise to facilitate ease of access, search and retrieval
  • Integration of data from diverse sources, including emails, social media feeds, web servers, tools and systems used in the organisation
  • Creation of a virtual repository of enterprise data
  • Support for advanced data analysis capabilities
  • Easy configuration of the system to meet the specific business needs

So, that was about the 3RDi Search Enterprise Search platform and how it is designed to help enterprises make the best use of their data. In today’s times, data is power, which makes a platform like 3RDi Search something that enterprises need in order to gain the competitive edge.
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