Understanding the New Approach in the Post Covid-19 Workplace
The Covid-19 pandemic has had an immense effect on the way businesses operate. With the advent of the pandemic and the sharp rise in the number of affected individuals worldwide, businesses were forced to shift to a work-from-home or remote work model within a matter of just few days.
It has been the same ever since and even after almost an year of the pandemic, we are still working from home in most parts of the world. In fact, remote work has become a part of our lives to such an extent in all these months, that today we call it the "new normal". However, we have neared the light at the end of the tunnel, with the Covid-19 vaccine already been launched successfully. It's time to go back to what used to be the normal before the pandemic set in – it's time to go back to our office desks!

However, the question that arises is – will the workplace be the same as it was before? If the experts are to be believed, the workplace post Covid-19 will be different from how it used to be earlier. So, what all will change and what really can you expect when you step into the office premises after an year-long hiatus?
Remote work has made HR teams and enterprises realise the value of employee feedback. During remote work, employee surveys were initiated by multiple organisations because remote work proved to be a challenge in many ways for people and they had many thoughts to share.
The good news is that it will continue well throughout 2021 and beyond, and will redefine the post Covid-19 workplace. This will help enterprises understand their employees better and also get access to the information required for informed decision making. The new age HR software will make this a reality. So, this will likely result in the annual employee survey going away for good and replaced by periodic surveys to understand the employees in a better manner.
According to a study by Achievers, 35% the employees said recognition was the best way organisations can support them.
This indicates that recognition is important and the way enterprises recognise employee efforts is also changed in the recent past. The post Covid-19 workplace will be all about bringing in the digital element in the process of employee recognition through the new age HR Software. The post Covid-19 workplace will be all about bringing in the digital element in the process of employee recognition. Enterprises today are investing in employee recognition software to manage the process. As employee recognition goes beyond just being an annual felicitation event, enterprises need employee recognition software like Digital HRMS to ensure diverse ideas of the employees do not go unrecognised. This is a huge step towards employee engagement in the modern workplace.

3] A Culture of Trust
The work environment has changed drastically from what it used to be before. Today, a work culture based on trust is what the enterprises are aiming to build, in order to make the employees feel connected to the organization and its goals. After the challenging times brought forth by the pandemic, this will be all the more important for boosting the morale of the employees and ensuring employee engagement, making it one of the things to look forward to in the post Covid-19 workplace.
While we can never deny the significance of a good college degree and the skills acquired thereof, today soft skills are equally important.
80% of enterprises are struggling to find better soft skills in the market. - LinkedIn Trends
This trend will witness a boost in the year 2021 and continue in the post Covid-19 workplace. It will be all about communication skills and work ethics and everything in between, that the employees should be aware of. The new age HR software, with its Learning Management System (LMS) module, will make learning easy.
Yes, we are talking about the post Covid-19 workplace but that doesn't mean the end of remote work. Remote work will become a part of our lives even after we set back to the office, because a part of the workforce will still be working from home. So, it will become a priority for the HR to come up with innovative ways to keep the remote workforce engaged. This will also call for a shift in the company policies in order to cater to the changing needs of an increasingly remote workforce.
So, that was about the key elements that will make the post Covid-19 workplace different from how it used to be before the pandemic hit.

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