How Digital HRMS is the Solution to Challenges in Employee Productivity

Employees are the biggest factors affecting the productivity and performance of business operations in an enterprise. Hence, enterprises across the globe focus on improving employee productivity in order to strive towards increased efficiency at the organization level.
Also, productivity is the scale of measuring employee performance at the workplace and is one of the factors affecting the growth of the employee in the organization. This makes productivity an important factor to consider for the employee as well as the HR department of the organization. After all, it is only with the help of a highly productive team that enterprises can create a success story.
However, managing employee productivity is easier said than done because there are certain challenges that come in the way and they affect the productivity in more ways than one. Given below are a few of them.
- Lack of recognition is one of the biggest roadblocks to employee productivity in workplaces today. Many enterprises still do not see the need to come up with a systematic approach to recognize the achievements of the people who have really put in their efforts.
- Low levels of employee engagement is another factor. Globally, 64% employees reportedly do not feel engaged at work. This disengagement prevents them from giving their best to their work and responsibilities.
- Unplanned delegation of work within a team also affects productivity of everyone involved. What is lacking here is delegation that is based on the strengths of each employee, which causes disinterest and leads to drop in productivity.
- The lack of communication between the different departments in an organization or the members of a team, is also a cause of low productivity as the goals and objectives are not clear to everyone and everyone is not on the same page.
- Too much time wasted in simple tasks every day that can be made faster with the use of the right technology.
- Lack of the skills or expertise required for a certain project is also a reason for low productivity of employees. It is because they do not know the ways to make their work more productive.
The challenges are quite a few when it comes to employee productivity. An advanced HR software platform like Digital HRMS can help the HR team take up the right approach towards improving employee productivity in the organization. Let's have a look at how Digital HRMS can help enterprises overcome the challenges affecting employee productivity today.
- The Performance management system of Digital HRMS helps the HR to measure employee performance effectively to ensure fair appraisals. The employees get a complete freehand to customize performance appraisal forms, including determining the appraisal cycles, rating scales, competencies, goals and KRAs with regards to the employment type and designation category.
- Employee engagement is a cause of concern for enterprises today and Digital HRMS is designed to help HR to implement result-oriented steps towards boosting employee engagement.
- The management of resource allocation process ensures that every project gets allocation of resources that match the required skillsets for the project. The Resource Allocation module is designed to automate the process of resource allocation, to allow for transparency and to ensure optimum utilization of resources within the organization.
- The conference room booking module helps save the time of employees in looking for a conference room that has the equipment they need for a meeting, training or presentation. This saves the time and efforts of the employees to a great extent and allows them to focus on work.
- Digital HRMS allows the Training department to gather the employee training requirements, get them prioritized by the managers, allocate online training sessions to the employees and schedule classroom training sessions with ease. The module also allows users to view the quarterly training calendar and nominate for the trainings. It provides a seamless management of employee training requirements, with a balance of classroom and online trainings.
Hence, Digital HRMS is the ideal platform to help enterprises get started on the journey towards effective employee productivity.
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