Enhancing Healthcare Research with Enterprise Search Tool by 3RDi Search

Enhancing Healthcare Research with Enterprise Search Tool by 3RDi Search

In the fast-paced world of healthcare research, access to critical information is paramount. With hundreds of thousands of documents stored in various repositories, healthcare professionals face the challenge of quickly…

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Unlocking Useful Insights with 3RDi Search - Intelligent Search Tool

Unlocking Useful Insights with 3RDi Search - Intelligent Search Tool

In the domain of search, intelligent search tool which is a smart technology is definitely gaining traction. AI-driven search tools are being used in a variety of applications, including corporate…

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Latest Trends in Semantic Search Using Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Latest Trends in Semantic Search Using Natural Language Processing (NLP)

It is feasible to train a Language Model on a huge corpus of documents using the most recent NLP research findings. Following that, the model may represent documents depending on…

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Discover the Benefits of New-age Search Analytics Platform

Discover the Benefits of New-age Search Analytics Platform

What is Search Analytics?

The technique used to analyze search logs, which include large amounts of search data, is known…

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Understanding How the Text Analysis Engine Analyses Complex Unstructured Data

Understanding How the Text Analysis Engine Analyses Complex Unstructured Data

Text mining is something that every company needs today, especially at an era when companies are trying to manage massive volumes of data. Text…

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Semantic Search: Understanding the Technology and Its Significance in New Age Enterprise Search

Semantic Search: Understanding the Technology and Its Significance in New Age Enterprise Search

In today's highly competitive world, businesses can't afford to miss out on using data to develop critical insights that drive corporate success. A semantic…

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How a Semantic Search Solution Can Help Your Enterprise

How a Semantic Search Solution Can Help Your Enterprise

Did you know that 71% of enterprises across the globe are not sure about how to manage unstructured data?

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What is Search Relevancy in Times of New Age Enterprise Search

What is Search Relevancy in Times of New Age Enterprise Search

When we talk about enterprise search, what really defines its effectiveness is how much it helps meet the requirements of the users. Does the…

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Infographics Blog on Intelligent Search Experience with 3RDi Search

Infographics Blog on Intelligent Search Experience with 3RDi Search

When we say "Intelligent Search", we refer to a search experience that goes beyond the capability of keyword based traditional search and has a…

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What is the Concept of Ontology in the Semantic Web

What is the Concept of Ontology in the Semantic Web

An ontology can show the qualities of a subject area and how they are related by defining a set of ideas and categories that reflect the subject. Ontologies use a…

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