Infographics Blog on Intelligent Search Experience with 3RDi Search

Infographics Blog on Intelligent Search Experience with 3RDi Search

When we say "Intelligent Search", we refer to a search experience that goes beyond the capability of keyword based traditional search and has a…

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Discover Retina API: The Text Mining Engine of 3RDi Search

Discover Retina API: The Text Mining Engine of 3RDi Search

In an era when enterprises are struggling with managing the large volumes of enterprise data, text mining is something that every enterprise needs today. Text mining platforms can help enterprises…

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Top Big Data Trends to Look for in 2021

Top Big Data Trends to Look for in 2021

Data is undoubtedly one of the most significant factors affecting the world today. Individuals as well as enterprises today are affected by data. Digitalization of everything around us has only…

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Infographics Blog on Big Data Statistics 2020

Infographics Blog on Big Data Statistics 2020

Big Data is a term that was coined fairly recently (in the 1990s). It refers to data sets that are significantly larger and more complex, and hence beyond the scope…

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How Enterprise Search Engines are Using Semantic Search

How Enterprise Search Engines are Using Semantic Search

Semantic search is a technique to search for data which focuses on analyzing a query to fetch results that are contextual to the query and also takes the user intent…

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The Benefits of Enterprise Search in Healthcare Industry

The Benefits of Enterprise Search in Healthcare Industry

A unique search driven approach is what we need to improve the quality of healthcare and business performance of the healthcare industry. By analyzing the unstructured data in the Healthcare…

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