Semantic Search: Understanding the Technology and Its Significance in New Age Enterprise Search

Semantic Search: Understanding the Technology and Its Significance in New Age Enterprise Search

In today's highly competitive world, businesses can't afford to miss out on using data to develop critical insights that drive corporate success. A semantic…

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Infographics Blog on Intelligent Search Experience with 3RDi Search

Infographics Blog on Intelligent Search Experience with 3RDi Search

When we say "Intelligent Search", we refer to a search experience that goes beyond the capability of keyword based traditional search and has a…

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What is the Concept of Ontology in the Semantic Web

What is the Concept of Ontology in the Semantic Web

An ontology can show the qualities of a subject area and how they are related by defining a set of ideas and categories that reflect the subject. Ontologies use a…

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Understanding the Concept of Ontology in Text Mining

Understanding the Concept of Ontology in Text Mining

End users must make complex database search requests to retrieve information due to the huge increase in the use of knowledge discovery apps. Users of this type are expected to…

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Must Have Features of a Powerful Enterprise Search Engine

Must Have Features of a Powerful Enterprise Search Engine

Enterprise data is unstructured and complex. Because this data cannot be evaluated using typical keyword-based methods, it must be analysed using the most powerful data mining and text analysis technology…

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A Brief Introduction to Semantic Similarity

A Brief Introduction to Semantic Similarity

The computation of similarity between phrases, sentences, or texts that have the same meaning but are not lexicographically comparable is known as textual semantic similarity measurement. This is a significant…

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Exploring the 3RDi Search Advantage for Enterprise Search

Exploring the 3RDi Search Advantage for Enterprise Search

Analyzing enterprise data is one of the biggest challenges faced by enterprises today, and it is because the enterprise data is complex and unstructured. This data cannot be analyzed using…

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Understanding How a Semantic Text Analysis Engine Works

Understanding How a Semantic Text Analysis Engine Works

Wikipedia defines Semantic search as “Semantic search seeks to improve search accuracy by understanding the searcher's intent and the contextual meaning of terms as they appear in the searchable dataspace,…

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3RDi Search Brings You the Next Level of Enterprise Search with Semantic Enrichment

3RDi Search Brings You the Next Level of Enterprise Search with Semantic Enrichment

Organizations face the challenge of making the best possible use of their data while dealing with dynamic and changing data and also responding to business demand for faster time to…

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