Understanding Benefits of Content Classification with 3RDi Search
What is content classification? Content classification is defined as the process of classifying the content on the basis of predefined categories. It can be done manually or with the help…Read More

How Digital HRMS is the Solution to Challenges in HR Data Analysis
We are in an era where data is the biggest determining factor for enterprises. Data is defining the way businesses operate and it has emerged as the most significant asset…Read More

Understanding Key Advantages of an Integrated Research Platform
Today's times is the times of Big Data, with every domain having to deal with an explosive growth of data. The field of Medical Research is no different. Even as…Read More

Using Enterprise Data to Improve Employee Experience Cycle
Enterprise data consists of the data that enterprises collect, manage and store for analysis. This data is collected from various sources and what sets this data apart from your everyday…Read More

Enterprise Search Trends to Look Forward in 2019
“Data is Eating the World”These were the words famously used by Dries Buytaert, the creator of the open-source platform Drupal, back in 2015, to denote how data was all set…