Infographics Blog on Interesting Facts about Employee Self Service
Employee Self Service is defined as a portal that allows employees to perform basic HR functions on their own, without dependency on HR. The employee self service platform allows the…Read More

Explore the Best Practices for Employee Self Service
What is Employee Self Service? Employee self service can be defined as a platform that enables employees to perform a bunch of basic HR functions independently. All that the employees…Read More

Infographics Blog on How the IT/ITES Sector can Benefit from HR Software
The tech industry turnover rate stands at 13.2% and is higher than in any other business sector.This statistics by the Business Insider showcases that the IT/ITES sector looks at employee…
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Empowering Employees with Digital HRMS: Exploring the Digital HRMS Employee Self Service Platform
Today, each and every company or organization takes a number of initiatives to promote employee engagement and make people proud to work for them. Employees are an organization's most valuable…Read More

Empowering Employees with Digital HRMS: Discover Key Employee Self Service Platform Features
The employees are the most valuable assets to an organisation and so organisations today are making efforts to keep the employees happy. After all, happy and satisfied employees contribute towards…Read More