Infographics Blog on How AI Powers Semantic Search for the New Age Enterprise Search Tool

Infographics Blog on How AI Powers Semantic Search for the New Age Enterprise Search Tool

Today AI is a significant advanced technological concept with ramifications across all domains and industries. It's the technology that allows machines to think, reason, and make…

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How a Semantic Search Solution Can Help Your Enterprise

How a Semantic Search Solution Can Help Your Enterprise

Did you know that 71% of enterprises across the globe are not sure about how to manage unstructured data?

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Understanding the Concept of Semantic Search Technology

Understanding the Concept of Semantic Search Technology

Semantic search is all about going a step further from a query's dictionary definition to understand the searcher's intent in a given environment. A search engine…

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What is Search Relevancy in Times of New Age Enterprise Search

What is Search Relevancy in Times of New Age Enterprise Search

When we talk about enterprise search, what really defines its effectiveness is how much it helps meet the requirements of the users. Does the…

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Infographics Blog on Intelligent Search Experience with 3RDi Search

Infographics Blog on Intelligent Search Experience with 3RDi Search

When we say "Intelligent Search", we refer to a search experience that goes beyond the capability of keyword based traditional search and has a…

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What is the Concept of Ontology in the Semantic Web

What is the Concept of Ontology in the Semantic Web

An ontology can show the qualities of a subject area and how they are related by defining a set of ideas and categories that reflect the subject. Ontologies use a…

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Explore the Capabilities of the 3RDi Search Platform

Explore the Capabilities of the 3RDi Search Platform

Every business relies on the ability to find the correct information precisely and promptly. In the enterprise, a lack of good search solutions has resulted in poor decision making, information…

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Discover Real World Applications of Sentiment Analysis Technology

Discover Real World Applications of Sentiment Analysis Technology

The technology that analyses the actual sentiment behind a text or piece of material is known as sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis, also known as opinion mining, is a type of…

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What You Need to Know about Information Overload

What You Need to Know about Information Overload

“Information overload occurs when the amount of input to a system exceeds its processing capacity. Decision makers have fairly limited cognitive processing capacity. Consequently, when information overload occurs, it is…

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Next Level of Text Analysis with Retina API of 3RDi Search

Next Level of Text Analysis with Retina API of 3RDi Search

Did you know that more than 80% of enterprise data consists of unstructured data? This data by Statista showcases the complexity of text analysis when it comes to enterprise data.…

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