Natural Language Processing (NLP) vs Natural Language Understanding (NLU): Explore the Differences

Natural Language Processing (NLP) vs Natural Language Understanding (NLU): Explore the Differences

Most of us who are enthusiastic about enterprise search and big data are aware of the concept of natural language processing. Wikipedia defines natural language processing (NLP) as "Natural language…

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Top 5 FAQs on Artificial Intelligence Answered

Top 5 FAQs on Artificial Intelligence Answered

What is artificial intelligence? Wikipedia defines it as “Artificial intelligence (AI), is intelligence demonstrated by machines, unlike the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals, which involves consciousness and emotionality.…

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Top Big Data Trends to Look for in 2021

Top Big Data Trends to Look for in 2021

Data is undoubtedly one of the most significant factors affecting the world today. Individuals as well as enterprises today are affected by data. Digitalization of everything around us has only…

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Biggest Trends from the World of Big Data in 2021

Biggest Trends from the World of Big Data in 2021

Did you know that Big Data is all set to grow into a 103 billion dollar industry by 2023?

Well, this makes Big Data one of the key domains to watch…

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Understanding Content Summarization with 3RDi Search

Understanding Content Summarization with 3RDi Search

We all have experienced how a short summary can make it easy for us to understand what to expect in a book or a comprehensive write-up. After all, it saves…

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Understanding Benefits of Content Classification with 3RDi Search

Understanding Benefits of Content Classification with 3RDi Search

What is content classification? Content classification is defined as the process of classifying the content on the basis of predefined categories. It can be done manually or with the help…

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How Data Discovery with 3RDi Search Can Help Your Enterprise

How Data Discovery with 3RDi Search Can Help Your Enterprise

What is data discovery? Well, data discovery is a process which is all about processing and analyzing the large variety of enterprise data for key insights. In other words, data…

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How to Evaluate the Right Enterprise Search Engine for your Business

How to Evaluate the Right Enterprise Search Engine for your Business

Enterprise search engines are key to the success of enterprises today because they help enterprises analyze and make the best use of the large volumes of data. We all know…

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10 Interesting Facts About Enterprise Data

10 Interesting Facts About Enterprise Data

What is enterprise data and how is it different from the data that we see and come across on the World Wide Web? Well, the differences are quite a handful,…

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Exploring the 3RDi Search Advantage for Enterprise Search

Exploring the 3RDi Search Advantage for Enterprise Search

Analyzing enterprise data is one of the biggest challenges faced by enterprises today, and it is because the enterprise data is complex and unstructured. This data cannot be analyzed using…

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