Testing for Next Gen Interfaces

Testing for Next Gen Interfaces

It is a hyperconnected world that we live in; the fundamentals of business have changed. This new world of connectivity, digitalization and next generation interfaces, challenges the norms of…

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Infographics Blog on Benefits of Test Automation in DevOps

Infographics Blog on Benefits of Test Automation in DevOps

The advent of cloud-based applications has resulted in the shifting of the conventional software development process. Instead of designing software for a particular requirement presented by a client, the new…

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Understanding Benefits of BDD Testing for High Product Quality

Understanding Benefits of BDD Testing for High Product Quality

BDD is a development process based on Agile framework, which is a facilitator for seamless collaboration between developers, testers, and non-technical or business participants in a software project. It helps…

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Exploring the Concept of Big Data Automation Testing

Exploring the Concept of Big Data Automation Testing

What is Big Data? Big Data is defined as "Big Data is a field that treats ways to analyze, systematically extract information from, or otherwise deal with data sets that…

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Understanding Test Reporting with QARA Enterprise

Understanding Test Reporting with QARA Enterprise

Automation testing is the answer to the challenges faced by the QA teams today. In order to keep up with the demand for frequent updates on software applications on a…

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How to Improve React App Performance

How to Improve React App Performance

Developers love building all sorts of web applications in React because of its ability to process UI components in browsers and update them without unnecessary navigation.  However, that comes at…

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End to End Testing with QARA Enterprise Test Automation Tool

End to End Testing with QARA Enterprise Test Automation Tool

End to end testing is a method of software testing that involves testing the flow of an application from the start to the end, using the most common scenarios, to…

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Top Features a Zero Coding Test Automation Tool Should Offer

Top Features a Zero Coding Test Automation Tool Should Offer

The introduction of test automation has revolutionized the domain of software testing. Today, QA teams have come a long way and implemented automation like never before. The recently introduced approaches…

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Rapid Test Automation with Zero Coding & Complete Test Management

Rapid Test Automation with Zero Coding & Complete Test Management

Automation is essential to successful software testing today, as the needs and requirements of software testing projects keep on changing as per the changes in the market. Today, as Agile…

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Infographics Blog on Software Testing Statistics in 2020

Infographics Blog on Software Testing Statistics in 2020

This is the era of digitalization that is fuelled by rapid advancements in technology. Today technology has emerged as the biggest factor behind the success of enterprises. With technology, enterprises…

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