Implement Cobit & Infrastructure Security using T/DG Systems

Implement Cobit & Infrastructure Security using T/DG Systems

Most of the companies have multiple applications being managed by various vendors and the MIS CIO / CTO / Department heads over a period of time tend to loose track…

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T/DG Successfully Retained Its ISO/ IEC 27001: 2005 Certification

T/DG Successfully Retained Its ISO/ IEC 27001: 2005 Certification

It’s great to share the news that we got success again in retaining our ‘ISO/IEC 27001:2005’ Certificate. Today we have faced the Surveillance Audit, 2 Senior Auditors audited us from BSI.…

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SOA and Web Services

SOA and Web Services

Business agility to adapt themselves to ever-changing business requirements and continually strive to achieve performance and cost benefits by implementing new solutions and therefore attract and retain customers.

The underlying…

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SCRUM  - Improving the Profession of Software Delivery

SCRUM - Improving the Profession of Software Delivery

SCRUM is a team of eight individuals in Rugby. Everyone in the pack acts together with everyone else to move the ball down the field in small incremental steps. Teams…

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Performance Engineering

Performance Engineering

On the web, you have less than 27 seconds to display, communicate and capture the attention of your customer before they go elsewhere (Nielson, 2006). Subtract from this the time…

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Onshore-offshore model pain points

Onshore-offshore model pain points

Based on our survey with our customers and potential customer’s worldwide, these are some of the pain points identified in an onshore-offshore model of development. They may or may not…

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Enterprise Search Is No Longer a Simple Convenience

Enterprise Search Is No Longer a Simple Convenience

It is estimated that as much as 80% of all information in the enterprise is unstructured or semi-structured data living in emails, text, voice and video. Enterprise search is no…

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