Leave Management with Digital HRMS: Discover a System Driven Leave Application Process for the Employees

Leave Management with Digital HRMS: Discover a System Driven Leave Application Process for the Employees

The HR department of an organization has multiple responsibilities, which include bringing new talent on board, employee training, managing leave and attendance of employees, setting parameters for fair performance appraisals,…

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Insights on the Significance of Custom Software Development Services

Insights on the Significance of Custom Software Development Services

Software is at the very core of our existence today, as we depend on software applications for most of our day to day activities, right from calling a cab to…

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Time Tracking with Digital HRMS: Manage Work Hours and Productivity of Employees with Ease

Time Tracking with Digital HRMS: Manage Work Hours and Productivity of Employees with Ease

Monitoring employee productivity is an aspect that tends to vary widely depending on the scenario and also whether the employee is working from within the office premises or is working…

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Geofencing with Digital HRMS: Track Attendance of Remote Employees with Geofencing

Geofencing with Digital HRMS: Track Attendance of Remote Employees with Geofencing

Did you know? 77% or organizations across the globe say that employees working remotely lead to lower operational costs.- Flexjobs
Also, here’s something more interesting…
80% of employees say that more flexible…

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5 Work from Home Best Practices During COVID-19 Pandemic

5 Work from Home Best Practices During COVID-19 Pandemic

In the current scenario, due to the outbreak of COVID-19, most of us are forced to stay indoors and work from home. This is the first time in most of…

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Understanding the Geofencing Technology and Its Applications

Understanding the Geofencing Technology and Its Applications

Ever experienced receiving push notifications on your mobile when you are close to your favourite retail store? You probably have, and that's geofencing at work! Geofencing is a technology which…

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T/DG Product Showcase: QARA Enterprise – The Complete Suite of Products for Automated Test Management

T/DG Product Showcase: QARA Enterprise – The Complete Suite of Products for Automated Test Management

Software testing is an integral part of the software development lifecycle, as it is required to maintain the quality standards of the product, without a Quality Assurance team who performs…

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5 QA Experts Tell You the DOs and DON'Ts of Automation

5 QA Experts Tell You the DOs and DON'Ts of Automation

Automation testing has revolutionized our approach to software testing, by drastically improving the test coverage, increasing efficiency and productivity, and bringing down testing time and efforts significantly. When organizations talk…

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What HR Experts Say about the Importance of HR Technology

What HR Experts Say about the Importance of HR Technology

Today every enterprise is taking a step towards digitization and this holds true for every department. Enterprises today are investing in software for the digitization of everything from business processes…

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T/DG Product Showcase: 3RDi Search – The Comprehensive Enterprise Search Platform

T/DG Product Showcase: 3RDi Search – The Comprehensive Enterprise Search Platform

We live in an age when data and its optimum management and analysis is of paramount importance to any and every business. Today, the world is driven by data and…

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