Using AngularJS Directives

What are Directives ?

AngularJS directives are what controls the rendering of the HTML inside an AngularJS application. At a high level, directives are markers on a DOM element that tell…

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Dynamic binding of “ng-required” for Validation

I like to share the solution which I came across while working on dynamic validation of…

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Getting familiar with Strict Contextual Escaping in Angular

The Problem:

While working on a recent project, I needed to show the highlighting that was part of the Solr response. The highlighting was done with html markup as part of the response.…

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Exactish Phrase Matching in Solr

Phrase match: A simple way by which we can achieve exact matching in Solr is by using the default string type. It is exact phrase matching. the string is a useful…

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Supervised Learning for Text Classification

Text Classification (or Categorization) has been investigated by many researchers over more than past 2…

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Solr's mm parameter - Explanation of Min Number Should Match

This article explains the format used for specifying the “Min Number Should Match” criteria of the BooleanQuery objects built by the DisMaxRequestHandler.  Using this it is possible to specify a…

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Latent Semantic Indexing - An Introduction

Have you heard of Latent Semantic indexing (or analysis)? You would have come across the lingo if read about semantics and machine learning. I too had. But never went beyond reading…

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Angular’s one-time data binding

This week while working with AngularJS, I came across a problem where a variable within $scope being reassigned to a new value every time a function was executed. I was…

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Microservices Architecture


In this blog, will have walk through about Microservices Architecture pattern, which is now a days more populate than Monolithic application


Today, there are several trends that are…

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Solr Core Discovery

How does Solr discover a core?

If you are a seasoned Solr developer and yet to migrate to latest releases, your answer might be ‘by registering the core by adding <cores> element…

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Introduction to How Node. JS works

In this post, I will try to give an easy way to understand overview…

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Find element / object in an array using jQuery. grep()

IntroductionIn this blog, will have walk through about easiest way to find the element/object in a JavaScript array which satisfy the filter condition.

BackgroundMost of the time, we come to scenario…

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k-means clustering

What is Clustering?
Clustering is the process of partitioning a group of data points into…

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Filter Queries in Solr

Solr provides Query (q parameter) and Filter Query (fq parameter) for searching.

The query (q parameter), as the name suggests, is the main query used for searching. Example

q = title:james

Filter queries are used alongside query (q…

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Data Binding with AngularJS

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework developed by Google. Angular is what HTML would have been, had it been designed for applications.

Data binding is the most useful and powerful feature of…

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Evaluating Search Engine Relevance with Precision Testing

Evaluating search engines

For any information retrieval system, a major challenge is to provide the most relevant and meaningful search results to the user. It should not return irrelevant results in…

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Atomic Updates in Solr


In Solr Once the data is indexed in changes to the Solr schema or…

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Solr: Backed up? Now you can restore soon!

One of the lesser known but cool features of ReplicationHandler is support for index backup. You must have used ReplicationHandler in…

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Ontologies vs Taxonomies vs Thesauri , and its place on the Semantic Web

Ontology :

An ontology formally defines a common set of terms that are used to describe and represent a domain. An ontology is domain specific, and it is used…

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SOLID architecture principle using C# with simple C# example

In this blog, I am going to explain you the SOLID architecture principle using simple C# code. This would help to build application with layer architecture with readable and easily…

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Usability of SecureString object in C#

In this blog, I am going to explain you the Advantage and usability of “SecureString” object in C# .Net framework. 

Most of the time, we come to a scenario where we…

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Solr Optimistic Concurrency Unlocked!

If you have multiple clients updating documents, it’s really critical to ensure that newer…

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Beider Morse Phonetic Matching in Solr

Phonetic Search Overview: Phonetic search is widely used to search phonetically equivalent search terms to the desired search term. – e.g. searching for AVANTAJE while term actually is ADVANTAGE. Solr has…

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Setting up WordNet using JWNL

WordNet is an Natural Language Processing (NLP) resource that is a lexical database for the English language.  WordNet is made up of groups or set of words that are synonyms…

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Word Cloud Using the Shiny Package in R for Visualization in Web UI

Word Cloud
A word cloud is a graphical representation of frequently used words in a…

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Apache Solr: data processing pipeline

Index time processing of data is crucial for developing a search engine and its…

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Understanding words similarity / relatedness using WordNet - Semantic similarity

Semantic similarity measures play an important role in the extraction of semantic relations. Semantic similarity measures are widely used in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Information Retrieval (IR). Measuring semantic…

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Introduction to Web 3. 0 | The Semantic Web

What is the Semantic Web?

The Internet that we know and use has gone through two major shifts or development phases, i.e. Web 1.0, Web 2.0.

Web 1.0 was where internet standards…

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T/DG Successfully Retained Its ISO/ IEC 27001: 2005 Certification

T/DG Successfully Retained Its ISO/ IEC 27001: 2005 Certification

It’s great to share the news that we got success again in retaining our ‘ISO/IEC 27001:2005’ Certificate. Today we have faced the Surveillance Audit, 2 Senior Auditors audited us from BSI.…

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SOA and Web Services

SOA and Web Services

Business agility to adapt themselves to ever-changing business requirements and continually strive to achieve performance and cost benefits by implementing new solutions and therefore attract and retain customers.

The underlying…

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SCRUM  - Improving the Profession of Software Delivery

SCRUM - Improving the Profession of Software Delivery

SCRUM is a team of eight individuals in Rugby. Everyone in the pack acts together with everyone else to move the ball down the field in small incremental steps. Teams…

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Performance Engineering

Performance Engineering

On the web, you have less than 27 seconds to display, communicate and capture the attention of your customer before they go elsewhere (Nielson, 2006). Subtract from this the time…

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Onshore-offshore model pain points

Onshore-offshore model pain points

Based on our survey with our customers and potential customer’s worldwide, these are some of the pain points identified in an onshore-offshore model of development. They may or may not…

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Enterprise Search Is No Longer a Simple Convenience

Enterprise Search Is No Longer a Simple Convenience

It is estimated that as much as 80% of all information in the enterprise is unstructured or semi-structured data living in emails, text, voice and video. Enterprise search is no…

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