10 tips that will help protect your system against Ransomware

10 tips that will help protect your system against Ransomware

A massive global ransomware attack has struck hospitals, companies and government offices around the world, seizing control of affected computers until the victims pay a ransom. Majority of the attacks…

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Earned Value Analysis to Know Real Health and Performance of Your Project.

Earned Value Analysis to Know Real Health and Performance of Your Project.

The Project/Program Managers usually evaluate the triple constraints i.e. Time, Scope and Cost. While evaluating this IRON TRIANGLE, they are trying to judge if the ongoing project…

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Risk Based Testing - Know the right time to account it and implement it

Risk Based Testing - Know the right time to account it and implement it

It is real hard to comment at what point the testing should be denoted as enough testing. It’s even more difficult to predict that the product is defect free post…

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4 important tips you will need to handle your new client better

4 important tips you will need to handle your new client better

It’s quite often that we all face a lot of challenges when getting on to the newer assignments and engagements while we work on any business streams. The challenges may…

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Automating tasks using Gulp

Automating tasks using Gulp

Gulp is a tool for task automation. Gulp helps in many automated tasks like parsing, watching files for changes, refreshing, bundling and minification, executing tests before build, checking against jslint,…

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Domain Capability Building on New Service Offering

Domain Capability Building on New Service Offering

Your sales team/management managed to win a project in a domain that is new to the organization. You have the technology resource who can implement and/or test the solution but…

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Top 3 Email Goof Ups to Avoid

Top 3 Email Goof Ups to Avoid

Over an informal morning coffee break with the team, we exchanged anecdotes on how people sometimes goof up simply by sending an email to a wrong recipient. This is what…

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Key Features of an Effective Enterprise Search Platform

Key Features of an Effective Enterprise Search Platform

The unsurmountable amounts of unstructured data that organizations have to deal with today has given rise to the need for an effective enterprise search platform. An enterprise search tool…

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Working with Enterprise Search Relevancy Challenges

Working with Enterprise Search Relevancy Challenges

When enterprise searches are built from scratch, evaluation of the search quality remains key challenges of organizations implementing it. It always gives a feel of living in the darkness all…

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Building A Testing Center of Excellence

Building A Testing Center of Excellence

Most of the organizations make huge investments in their enterprise product development requirements and over a period of time end up having a huge inventory of scattered applications developed…

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High Speed Ingestion into Solr with Custom Talend Component Developed by T/DG

High Speed Ingestion into Solr with Custom Talend Component Developed by T/DG

In this blog I will explain how to use High Speed Talend-Solr Ingestion components, released by T/DG as open source, for ingesting documents into Solr and its benefit. 

T/DG released 3…

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Self-Hosting Web API 2 Using OWIN

Self-Hosting Web API 2 Using OWIN

OWIN stands for Open Web Interface for .NET . OWIN is an abstraction between .NET web servers and web applications. It decouples the application from the server, making it ideal…

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SOLR Security with ManifoldCF

SOLR Security with ManifoldCF

This article explains how to implement SOLR “document level security” using Manifold Connector Framework. ManifoldCF is an open source framework for pulling content out of a repository and sending it…

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Building Docker image with Solr

Building Docker image with Solr

There are two ways to build docker image:

Running an image, modifying and committing it. This requires to access live container.Using Dockerfile and build it.

Let’s take an example of creating…

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Getting Started With Docker

Getting Started With Docker

According to the docker's website, "Docker is an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications."

In simple words, it's one of the methods to…

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Execute JavaScript Using Selenium WebDriver

Execute JavaScript Using Selenium WebDriver

Selenium is one of the most popular and easy automated testing suites. Selenium is designed in a way to support and encourage automation testing of functional aspects of web based…

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Build Operate Transfer Systems and Applications - Lean Style

Build Operate Transfer Systems and Applications - Lean Style

Build Operate Transfer Models are in existence for many years. With recent trends in Agile and Scrum development, it is observed that there is again a need for resources to…

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Neo Load Performance testing Tool

Neo Load Performance testing Tool

Overview:  Neo Load Performance testing

Neo Load is a load and stress testing tool to measure the performance of web and mobile applications
A load testing tool by Neotys.
A tool that measures performance and behaviour of the…

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Using Controller-as-a syntax and why it’s important

Using Controller-as-a syntax and why it’s important

What is “controller as a” syntax ?

It’s a new way of defining your controller. Instead of using $scope, we can use the ‘this‘ in its place.This helps with the architecture of…

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What is Cloud Computing? Things you Need to Know About the Cloud, Explained

What is Cloud Computing? Things you Need to Know About the Cloud, Explained

Cloud computing received significant attention recently as it changes the way computation and services to customers. Cloud computing not only brings new business opportunities but also causes some major impacts…

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Understanding and Configuring Solr's PingRequestHandler

Understanding and Configuring Solr's PingRequestHandler

In this blog, we'll talk about simple yet very useful Solr handler which is PingRequestHandler. We can use Ping Request Handler…

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Open NLP Name Finder Model Training

Open NLP Name Finder Model Training

Named Entity Recognition The Name Finder is used to detect entities like a person, location, date, money, organization time and date in the text. These entities are detected using trained model.…

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Google Analytics Vs Adobe Analytics

Google Analytics Vs Adobe Analytics

Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics both are web analytics services used in the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of web data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. However,…

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Testing with Jasmine + Karma

Testing with Jasmine + Karma

The Setup

AngularJS has many testing frameworks that can be used such as qunit, mocha, protractor, and so on. This particular blog post will be using Jasmine. Jasmine is behavior-driven development framework for…

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 Restriction and Transclusion Properties Of AngularJS Directives

Restriction and Transclusion Properties Of AngularJS Directives

Restriction and Transclusion are the properties of AngularJS directives. Restriction property is used to defined the use of directives where as Transclusion property is used to define the place for external…

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Locator Strategies in Selenium WebDriver : CSS selectors

Locator Strategies in Selenium WebDriver : CSS selectors

Selenium Locators: Locate element by CSS selector using html tag attributes

This a fall back when all options fail, you can use parent child relation in tags, in case you…

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What's new in C# 6. 0

What's new in C# 6. 0

What’s new in C# 6.0

In this article, I am going to talk about new language feature of C# 6.0. I am personally like these features a lot…

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Understanding Filters in ASP. Net MVC

Understanding Filters in ASP. Net MVC

Filters in ASP.net MVC

Filters are interesting and somewhat unique part of ASP.net MVC. Filters are designed to inject logic in between MVC request life cycle events. Filters provide developers with powerful…

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Introduction to OrientDB

Introduction to OrientDB


Recently I started looking into OrientDB for one the use case at TDG where we were evaluating which NOSQL database to go for. As I came across OrientDB & learned…

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Locator Strategies in Selenium WebDriver

Locator Strategies in Selenium WebDriver


Now a days Selenium is vastly used as web automation tool across industry. It has its own advantages whether it might be an open source tool or freedom…

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Getting started with Apache Cordova

Getting started with Apache Cordova

Building cross platform Mobile Applications using Apache Cordova – Part 1

Apache Cordova is an open source platform for building cross platform mobile applications that runs on several mobile devices…

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Stanford Temporal Tagger: SUTime for JAVA

Stanford Temporal Tagger: SUTime for JAVA

SUTIME, is a temporal tagger for recognizing and normalizing temporal expressions in English text. SUTIME is used to annotate documents with temporal information. It is a deterministic rule-based system.

The extraction…

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Overloading Packages, Functions & Procedures

Overloading Packages, Functions & Procedures


One of the most powerful aspects of the package is the ability to overload program units. When you overload, you define more than one program with the same name.…

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Introduction to Solr Analytics

Introduction to Solr Analytics


The Analytics topic has been so popular these days, that its capabilities are being expected from every other Big Data / Search platforms such as Hadoop, Spark, Cassandra, Elastic, Solr. Solr a…

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Solr LocalParams and Security

Solr LocalParams and Security

Local Parameters are often called as LocalParams. Using this we can “localize” information about an argument that is being sent to Solr through Solr query. its another way of adding…

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Implement Cobit & Infrastructure Security using T/DG Systems

Implement Cobit & Infrastructure Security using T/DG Systems

Most of the companies have multiple applications being managed by various vendors and the MIS CIO / CTO / Department heads over a period of time tend to loose track…

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SolrCloud - 2 Nodes Solr, 1 Node ZK Setup

SolrCloud - 2 Nodes Solr, 1 Node ZK Setup

Here I am going to talk about a basic SolrCloud setup on 2 separate…

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C-value approach to multi-word automatic term recognition (ATR)

C-value approach to multi-word automatic term recognition (ATR)

C-value is a domain-independent method for multi-word ATR which aims to increase the extraction of…

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Introduction to KnockoutJS

Introduction to KnockoutJS

Introduction: Knockout, developed by Steve Sanderson, is free open source JavaScript library available under MIT license. It was first released in 2010 and since its initial release it has caught attention…

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Using Solr and TikaOCR to search text inside an image

Using Solr and TikaOCR to search text inside an image

Tesseract is probably the most accurate open source OCR engine available and with Apache Tika 1.7 you can now use the awesome Tesseract OCR parser within Tika!

Solr 5.x has support…

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