Solr vs ElasticSearch

Solr vs ElasticSearch

“Which one should I choose, Solr or ElasticSearch?” The question is quite frequently asked by…

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AngularJS Isolated Scope Directives

AngularJS Isolated Scope Directives


In AngularJS by default directives get the parent scope.This will useful when…

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Semantic Analysis of Text

Semantic Analysis of Text

There are several open APIs that provide analysis of text and content discovery services. We conducted an informal study of some of the free services to identify their capabilities and…

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Which one should you use: angular. copy or angular. extend?

Which one should you use: angular. copy or angular. extend?

As you’d expect, the correct answer to this questions is not between which one to use, but rather which one you need. And the best person to answer this is…

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Message Queuing - RabbitMQ

Message Queuing - RabbitMQ

1. Message Queuing

Message queuing is a mechanism by which sender sends a message to receiver asynchronously. Sender and receiver may or may not interact with the message at the same…

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Grouping Results with Solr

Grouping Results with Solr

Grouping Results:

Imagine a situation where your data set is divided into different categories, subcategories,price ranges, and things like that. What if you would like to n ot only get information…

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Punctuation replacement using regular expression

Punctuation replacement using regular expression

Replace all the punctuations from a string by “space + punctuation + space” using Pattern Matcher – Regular expression in java.

Input string:

“Article: The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism Endometrial and pituitary responses…

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Using Solr's ComplexPhraseQueryParser

Using Solr's ComplexPhraseQueryParser

ComplexPhraseQuery allows complex phrase query syntax e.g “canc* treat* “. It Performs multiple passes over Query text to parse any nested logic in PhraseQueries.

The first pass takes any PhraseQuery content…

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Understanding Onion Architecture

Understanding Onion Architecture

In this post I am going to talk about Onion Architecture. There are several…

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Understanding Cyclomatic Complexity and its Importance in Code Analysis Metrics

Understanding Cyclomatic Complexity and its Importance in Code Analysis Metrics

Cyclomatic complexity in code is software metric used to indicate the complexity of the program. It is a quantitative measure of the number is linearly independent paths through programs source…

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Faceted Search using Solr

Faceted Search using Solr


Faceted search (also called faceted navigation, guided navigation, or parametric search) breaks up search results into multiple categories, typically showing counts for each category, and allows the user to “drill…

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Enhancing Information Findability

Enhancing Information Findability

Findability is about making information easier to find. Findability is what unlocks the value of content, and transforms content into knowledge. After all, what cannot be found, might…

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Measuring Search Relevance using NDCG

Measuring Search Relevance using NDCG

Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG) is popular method for measuring the quality of a set of search results. It asserts the following:

Very relevant results are more useful than somewhat relevant…

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Image metadata

Image metadata

Metadata may be written into a digital photo file that will identify owner of it,…

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Spatial Search with Solr

Spatial Search with Solr

In this article we will see how solr supports spatial search.

Spatial Search

Solr supports location data for use in spatial/geospatial searches. Using spatial search, you can:

Index points or other…

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ng-Cloak directives in AngularJS

ng-Cloak directives in AngularJS

Today  I am going to share the interesting article about ng-Cloak directive….

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Named Entity Recognition

Named Entity Recognition

Introduction: Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a subtask of information extraction. It is a process of classifying elements in text into pre-defined categories. These categories include the names of persons, organizations,…

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Introduction to SVG Part - 1

Introduction to SVG Part - 1

SVG Elements


SVG is short for Scalable Vector Graphics. It is a graphic format in which the shapes are specified in XML. The XML is then rendered by an SVG viewer.…

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LIRE: Lucene Image Retrieval

LIRE: Lucene Image Retrieval

LIRE is a Java library that provides a simple way to retrieve images based on…

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Solr Terms Component usage

Solr Terms Component usage

In this article we will see how  solr Terms Component can be used for building Auto-suggest feature  and  Browse index feature.

Terms Component:

The Terms Component returns information about  indexed terms in…

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Solr 5. 3: Execute SQL queries

Solr 5. 3: Execute SQL queries

SQL statement is the most widely used language for querying data and is the…

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Query Rescoring in Solr

Query Rescoring in Solr

Sometimes relevance requirements are very complex and creates performance issues during execution. There is a very nice feature Introduced in Solr 4.9 called “Query Reranking/Rescoring” (SOLR-6088) which allows us to…

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Getting to know $watch

Getting to know $watch

This week I came across a $watch, and thought I’d share what I had learnt about it. First, you need to understand how the Angular digest cycle works.

The Digest Cycle…

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Part-of-speech tagging using OpenNLP

Part-of-speech tagging using OpenNLP

Introduction: Part-of-speech tagging is the process of marking up a word in a text (corpus) as corresponding to a particular part of speech such as noun, verb, adjective, etc., based on…

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Biomedical Named Entity extraction using general purpose NER Models

Biomedical, healthcare research and practice has accelerated the rate at which information in the form of scientific publications, EMR, transcription records and others are created and published. In order to effectively…

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Getting to know Kendo with AngularJS

What is Kendo UI

Kendo UI is a framework based on HTML5 and jQuery. It helps build an interactive web application by providing several features for a fast, rich, and responsive web applications…

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Solr HyperLogLog

Solr 5.2 introduces HyperLogLog, the probabilistic approach for counting distinct values.

Solr already had provision to count distinct values using unique facet function or countDistinct LocalParam in stats component. But this approach doesn’t scale…

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Test Driven Development by Example

Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development. First the developer writes an (initially failing) automated test case that defines a desired improvement or new function, then produces the minimum amount…

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Understanding Solr Explain

In this article, I will explain how to read information in solr explain.

When we search documents on solr, the documents in the result are in descending order of their…

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AngularJS in Node. js and ExpressJS Framework


ExpressJS is a light-weight web application framework to help organize your web application into…

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Image Processing and Analysis in R

Performing Image processing and analysis in R, installation of EBImage package is required. Execute…

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Words similarity/relatedness using WuPalmer Algorithm

Wu & Palmer – Words Similarity

The Wu & Palmer calculates relatedness by considering the depths of the two synsets in the WordNet taxonomies, along with the depth of the…

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Understanding Monolithic and Microservices Architecture


In this article, we will try to understand the Monolithic and Microservices architecture in terms project team, analysis/design, development/construction, continuous integration /deployment and testing.

1. Monolithic Architecture

Before jumping…

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Getting started with AngularJS


What is AngularJS?


In single line AngularJS is a structural framework for dynamic web apps.Dynamic means during run time.It is used to develop SPA(single page application).

  In a SPA,…

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Collaborative and Content-Aware Approaches to Recommendation

Recommender systems have become extremely common in recent years, and are applied in a variety of applications. The goal of a Recommender System is to generate meaningful recommendations to users for items or…

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Angular Test Cases Using Jasmine Js


About Jasmine 

Jasmine is behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code. It does not depend on any other JavaScript frameworks. It does not require a DOM. And it has a clean, obvious…

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Understanding PhraseQuery and Slop in Solr

PhraseQuery in Lucene matches documents containing a particular sequence of terms. PhraseQuery uses positional information of the term that is stored in an index. 

The number of other words permitted between…

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Solr: Search using JSON Request API

Solr 5.1 introduces the new JSON request API!

Solr supports multiple query response formats such as xml, json, csv, velocity UI, etc. but for making request you were always supposed to…

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Data Import Handler – import data from XML files which are in Solr xml format

The DataImportHandler is a Solr contrib that provides a configuration driven way to import data from relational databases or XML files, into Solr in both “full import” and “incremental delta…

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Data Parallelism in C#

IntroductionIn this blog, will have walk through about Data Parallelism, where we could execute process concurrently.
BackgroundSome time, we come to scenario where we need to execute same process multiple times…

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