Infographics Blog on Employee Productivity Statistics You Should Know

Infographics Blog on Employee Productivity Statistics You Should Know

The workplace has evolved a lot over the years, and so has the work culture. However, there are a few things that haven't changed much and one of them is…

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How Digital HRMS is the Solution to Challenges in Employee Productivity

How Digital HRMS is the Solution to Challenges in Employee Productivity

Employees are the biggest factors affecting the productivity and performance of business operations in an enterprise. Hence, enterprises across the globe focus on improving employee productivity in order to strive…

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How Digital HRMS is the Solution to Challenges in Effective Employee Communication at the Workplace

How Digital HRMS is the Solution to Challenges in Effective Employee Communication at the Workplace

More than 50% of organisations across the globe have difficulty in retaining some of their most valued employees. - Willis Towers Watson

There are many such facts and statistics indicating that…

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Leave Management with Digital HRMS: Exploring the Benefits of Automated Leave Management

Leave Management with Digital HRMS: Exploring the Benefits of Automated Leave Management

Managing employee leaves can be a challenging task for the HR department of an organisation, because of the large number of employees in the organisations today and the increased chances…

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Infographics Blog on Benefits of HR Software for Employees

Infographics Blog on Benefits of HR Software for Employees

Employees are one of the primary assets of an enterprise and so enterprises today are prioritising employee welfare in the scheme of things. Employees who are driven and dedicated contribute…

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How Digital HRMS is the Solution to Challenges in HR Data Analysis

How Digital HRMS is the Solution to Challenges in HR Data Analysis

We are in an era where data is the biggest determining factor for enterprises. Data is defining the way businesses operate and it has emerged as the most significant asset…

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How Digital HRMS is the Solution to Challenges in Employee Travel & Expense Management

How Digital HRMS is the Solution to Challenges in Employee Travel & Expense Management

According to a study by the Global Business Travel Association, expenses on Global Business travel is growing at a rate of 8.6% per annum.
Considering the fact that Enterprises today are…

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Go Paperless with Digital HRMS: Discover how HR can Benefit from Digital Documentation

Go Paperless with Digital HRMS: Discover how HR can Benefit from Digital Documentation

Today is the era of digitalization and we are living in a world that is increasingly replacing the age-old manual processes with digital substitutes. This holds true for enterprises across…

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Infographics Blog on How Digital HRMS is Your Ideal HR Partner for the Post Covid-19 Workplace

Infographics Blog on How Digital HRMS is Your Ideal HR Partner for the Post Covid-19 Workplace

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on businesses has been significant, so much so that it has changed the way businesses operate. Today, 43% of the global workforce is forced…

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Infographics Blog on How Digital HRMS Helps Overcome 5 Remote Work HR Challenges

Infographics Blog on How Digital HRMS Helps Overcome 5 Remote Work HR Challenges

The biggest challenge faced by the world today is the Covid-19 pandemic and its widespread repercussions on business and the workforce. The pandemic has been the reason businesses around the…

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