Semantic Search: Understanding the Technology and Its Significance in New Age Enterprise Search

Semantic Search: Understanding the Technology and Its Significance in New Age Enterprise Search

In today's highly competitive world, businesses can't afford to miss out on using data to develop critical insights that drive corporate success. A semantic…

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Infographics Blog: Key Benefits that a Resume Data Extraction Tool Brings to Your Enterprise

Infographics Blog: Key Benefits that a Resume Data Extraction Tool Brings to Your Enterprise

What is resume parsing software and how does it work? A resume parsing tool, or a resume data extraction tool, is an artificial intelligence-powered…

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Infographics Blog: 5 Key Feature of an Ideal Payroll Management System

Infographics Blog: 5 Key Feature of an Ideal Payroll Management System

Payroll management is one of the primary functions of the HR department in any organization. Effective payroll processing and management is essential towards ensuring…

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Discover How a Zero Coding Testing Tool Can Help Your QA Team

Discover How a Zero Coding Testing Tool Can Help Your QA Team

Today, automation is critical to successful software testing since the demands and requirements of software QA projects are always evolving in response to market changes.…

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An Introduction to Enterprise Mobility Solutions for Enterprises Today

An Introduction to Enterprise Mobility Solutions for Enterprises Today

The increasing use of smart mobile devices has altered how people go about their daily lives. In fact, smart devices have had such an…

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Paperless HR Software: A Step Towards a Green Planet

Paperless HR Software: A Step Towards a Green Planet

In the world that we live in, one of the most pressing issues is that of climate change. The planet is experiencing significant changes…

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QARA Enterprise Suite Add On for Advanced Test Management in Jira

QARA Enterprise Suite Add On for Advanced Test Management in Jira

Whether you're a programmer or QA expert, you'll agree that Jira is a software that doesn't need an introduction. Jira is an issue tracking…

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Explore Capabilities of Advanced Text Analysis Engine with Retina API

Explore Capabilities of Advanced Text Analysis Engine with Retina API

The objective of the new age enterprise search platform is to assist businesses in gaining hidden insights from the vast volumes of unstructured enterprise…

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How a Resume Parsing Software Simplifies Resume Data Extraction

How a Resume Parsing Software Simplifies Resume Data Extraction

Consider you have been given a resume of an applicant for an open position in your team. How long would it take for you…

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Infographics Blog: Benefits of Using Employee Asset Mapping with Digital HRMS

Infographics Blog: Benefits of Using Employee Asset Mapping with Digital HRMS

Organizations today allocate a handful of different assets to their employees to help them complete their tasks and boost their productivity. However, with hundreds…

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How to Improve Quality of Data under Data Maintenance Services

How to Improve Quality of Data under Data Maintenance Services

What is the definition of data quality? The reliability of a dataset is measured by its data quality. The user's capacity to make correct…

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Top Cross Browser Testing Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Top Cross Browser Testing Challenges and How to Overcome Them

The introduction of smartphones and other mobile devices has altered our perceptions about software applications. We are no longer in an era when the…

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What is IT Asset Mapping System and Its Significance

What is IT Asset Mapping System and Its Significance

How do we define an IT asset? An IT asset is anything that a company usually allocates to the employees, whether it's hardware, software,…

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Bring the Best Resources on Board Real Fast with Digital Resume Parser

Bring the Best Resources on Board Real Fast with Digital Resume Parser

One of the biggest challenges that enterprises face today is the bringing the best resources on board. Good resources contribute towards the success of…

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Infographics Blog on How AI Powers Semantic Search for the New Age Enterprise Search Tool

Infographics Blog on How AI Powers Semantic Search for the New Age Enterprise Search Tool

Today AI is a significant advanced technological concept with ramifications across all domains and industries. It's the technology that allows machines to think, reason, and make…

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Key Statistics on Business Travel Management that You Should Know

Key Statistics on Business Travel Management that You Should Know

Business travel management is one of the most comprehensive responsibilities of the HR team in the new age organizations today. As more and more…

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Infographics Blog on Tips to Help You Make Automated Test Management More Effective

Infographics Blog on Tips to Help You Make Automated Test Management More Effective

The usage of automation testing is growing in popularity all around the world. Do you understand why automation is so crucial? There are several…

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Key Software Testing Trends to Watch Out for in 2022

Key Software Testing Trends to Watch Out for in 2022

The software development domain undergoes extensive study and changes in methodology to ensure that end-user software is of the highest quality. With changing market trends,…

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A Quick Guide to Resume Parsing Software

A Quick Guide to Resume Parsing Software

Any company's greatest asset is its people. However, recruitment has its own set of difficulties, and one of the most difficult components of the…

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Overcoming Challenges of Employee Travel Management with Digital HRMS

Overcoming Challenges of Employee Travel Management with Digital HRMS

Travel is an essential part of any organisation, and with today's modern firms having offices in many locations throughout the world, it has become…

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What are the Capabilities of Managed Infrastructure Services for Enterprises Today

What are the Capabilities of Managed Infrastructure Services for Enterprises Today

This is the digital era and the IT infrastructure is the backbone of the enterprises today as the world is moving towards digitalization. However,…

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How a Semantic Search Solution Can Help Your Enterprise

How a Semantic Search Solution Can Help Your Enterprise

Did you know that 71% of enterprises across the globe are not sure about how to manage unstructured data?

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Infographics Blog on Significant Benefits of a Time Tracking System

Infographics Blog on Significant Benefits of a Time Tracking System

Productivity is one of the most important variables in an employee's success, and businesses have long sought ways to efficiently quantify employee productivity. Managing…

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Why Test Automation Tools are Essential for Agile

Why Test Automation Tools are Essential for Agile

Agile methodology has become one of the most popular techniques to development and testing in recent years. Because the pace and requirement for continuous…

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How Digital Resume Parser Makes It Easy for the Recruitment Team

How Digital Resume Parser Makes It Easy for the Recruitment Team

A resume parsing programme is the answer to the recruitment team's long hours spent extracting the most relevant data from resumes. It enables the…

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How Digital HRMS Task Tracking System Helps You Manage Employee Productivity During Remote Work

How Digital HRMS Task Tracking System Helps You Manage Employee Productivity During Remote Work

Since employee productivity is closely tied to performance reports and payroll, it is a critical factor. In today's world, where so many companies have…

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Discover Digital HRMS for an Advanced Performance Management System that Delivers

Discover Digital HRMS for an Advanced Performance Management System that Delivers

Performance evaluation is the systematic approach of measuring people's performance in a firm. The method of evaluating employee performance is based on a series…

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Understanding the Concept of Semantic Search Technology

Understanding the Concept of Semantic Search Technology

Semantic search is all about going a step further from a query's dictionary definition to understand the searcher's intent in a given environment. A search engine…

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Discover Best Practices for Effective Performance Management

Discover Best Practices for Effective Performance Management

Performance evaluation is one of the most important roles of an organization's HR department because it is the process through which the company rewards…

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Best Practices for Test Automation in 2022 and Beyond

Best Practices for Test Automation in 2022 and Beyond

The usage of test automation is growing in popularity all around the world. Do you understand why automation is so crucial? There are various…

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5 Tips for Effective Travel Management in the Post Covid Workplace

5 Tips for Effective Travel Management in the Post Covid Workplace

Corporate Travel was forced to take a backseat during the time sof strict regulations to control the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic across the globe. As we are slowly inching…

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What is Search Relevancy in Times of New Age Enterprise Search

What is Search Relevancy in Times of New Age Enterprise Search

When we talk about enterprise search, what really defines its effectiveness is how much it helps meet the requirements of the users. Does the…

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How Law and Regulatory IT Solutions Can Help Enterprises with Compliance

How Law and Regulatory IT Solutions Can Help Enterprises with Compliance

Enterprises across the globe are contending with ever-changing government legislation, policy frameworks, and compliance requirements, as industry and government regulations continue to proliferate.

Organizations have resorted to a check-the-box, or…

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Exploring the Smart Way to Travel Management with Digital HRMS

Exploring the Smart Way to Travel Management with Digital HRMS

Business travel is an essential element of business operations, as enterprises today are spread across multiple locations within the country and also in different cities across the globe. While the…

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Understanding Use of Parameterization of Test Cases in Test Automation

Understanding Use of Parameterization of Test Cases in Test Automation

In the highly competitive times that we are in today, the focus of every product as well as software development team is to reduce the Time to Market and release…

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5 Ways to Enhance Effectiveness of Performance Management in Your Organization

5 Ways to Enhance Effectiveness of Performance Management in Your Organization

One of the biggest motivators for professionals is to be recognized for the efforts thry put in to make their tasks and projects successful.

Consider these statistics from Officevibe:


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4 Best Practices to Implement Continuous Web Application Testing

4 Best Practices to Implement Continuous Web Application Testing

Web automation testing is a term that is used to denote the use of test automation tools to test the performance of a website or web application. There are different…

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Infographics Blog on Intelligent Search Experience with 3RDi Search

Infographics Blog on Intelligent Search Experience with 3RDi Search

When we say "Intelligent Search", we refer to a search experience that goes beyond the capability of keyword based traditional search and has a…

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Understanding Value Based Approach to Software Testing

Understanding Value Based Approach to Software Testing

The software testing industry has indeed come a long way, more so in the last decade, with the introduction of automation testing and other advanced concepts like DevOps. With QA…

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Tips to Choose the Right Resume Parsing Tool

Tips to Choose the Right Resume Parsing Tool

Recruitment is one of the highly significant processes for an enterprise because it serves as the gateway through which the best talent can come…

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