Performance Management in the Post Pandemic World

Performance Management in the Post Pandemic World

It has been almost 2 years since the organizations across he globe were forced to switch to the remote work model and a lot of things have changed since then.…

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Gain an Edge with the Digital HRMS Training Management Software

Gain an Edge with the Digital HRMS Training Management Software

The Covid-19 pandemic has had the greatest impact on businesses in modern history, touching every element of corporate operations. Because workers have been working remotely for nearly a year, HR…

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Advanced IT Solutions Offered by T/DG for the Healthcare Sector

Advanced IT Solutions Offered by T/DG for the Healthcare Sector

We are currently in the midst of a global healthcare crisis and the pandemic has been a major challenge for the healthcare sector across…

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Overview of Digital HRMS Journey in 2021

Overview of Digital HRMS Journey in 2021

Every product has a story – story of its journey and how it evolves over a period of time, with addition of new features for the next level of user…

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What Makes the Resume Parsing Platform Now Better than Ever

What Makes the Resume Parsing Platform Now Better than Ever

Did you know that the new age resume parsing platform has a high level of accuracy that is close to 93%?
Yes, that’s right and this value is very close to…

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Understanding Natural Language Processing and Its Role in Sentiment Analysis

Understanding Natural Language Processing and Its Role in Sentiment Analysis

Today computers can understand programming languages, but what about teaching them how to understand human language, the language that you and I speak? Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch…

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Discover the Advantage of a Training Management System for Your Enterprise

Discover the Advantage of a Training Management System for Your Enterprise

65% of employees are reportedly not engaged at work.
Employee engagement is a primary HR goal today, and it's being implemented in a variety of methods in businesses all over the…

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Understanding How a Resume Parsing Software Works

Understanding How a Resume Parsing Software Works

One of the key steps of the recruitment process is the shortlisting of candidates and it involves going through each resume in order to extract the relevant information, which includes:Employment…

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Discover Key Concepts in the Working of a Text Analysis Engine

Discover Key Concepts in the Working of a Text Analysis Engine

Data in the enterprise is unstructured and complex. Since typical keyword-based methods cannot be used to investigate this data, it must be analyzed utilizing the most modern data mining and…

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Explore Key Insights about HR Data Analytics You Should Know

Explore Key Insights about HR Data Analytics You Should Know

Today's businesses have immense data potential but analyzing the data to get the insights contained inside is easier said than done. Simply said, the data available to businesses is nothing…

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5 Things to Expect from a HRMS Recruitment Gateway

5 Things to Expect from a HRMS Recruitment Gateway

Recruitment is one of the key functionalities of the human resources department of any organization. As important as it is, recruitment is also very complex and demands a lot of…

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Explore How HR Data Analytics Can Change the Way You Manage Your Workforce

Explore How HR Data Analytics Can Change the Way You Manage Your Workforce

What is HR Data Analytics? As the name suggests, it is all about analyzing HR data in order to derive some key insights. HR Data Analytics is also referred to…

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What is the Concept of Ontology in the Semantic Web

What is the Concept of Ontology in the Semantic Web

An ontology can show the qualities of a subject area and how they are related by defining a set of ideas and categories that reflect the subject. Ontologies use a…

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How Enterprise Data Solutions by T/DG Can Help Your Enterprise

How Enterprise Data Solutions by T/DG Can Help Your Enterprise

Today data is one of the biggest driving forces for the success of the enterprises. Effective management and analysis of enterprise data can help your organization. On-point data analysis produces…

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Infographics Blog on Customization with Digital Resume Parser and Other Advantages

Infographics Blog on Customization with Digital Resume Parser and Other Advantages

A resume parsing software is an artificial intelligence-powered platform that detects and extracts relevant information from various types of resumes and provides it in an orderly fashion for easy review.

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5 Ways Custom Software Development Services Can Benefit Modern Enterprises

5 Ways Custom Software Development Services Can Benefit Modern Enterprises

Organizations today are embracing digitization like never before. All over the world, organizations are investing in the latest technology to automate every aspect of their business operations. However, it remains…

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5 Ways to Improve HR Information Security

5 Ways to Improve HR Information Security

For ages, cyber security has been the responsibility of the IT department alone, as they are the ones who install all the firewall and anti-virus software, and take other necessary…

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How QARA Enterprise Integrates Seamlessly with Jira and other Platforms

How QARA Enterprise Integrates Seamlessly with Jira and other Platforms

Today's software application testing is more complicated than ever. As applications become more sophisticated, so does the approach to software testing. Test automation has taken the testing world by storm…

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Quick Glance at the Key Features of QARA Enterprise Platform

Quick Glance at the Key Features of QARA Enterprise Platform

Today's applications are more powerful than ever before, and due to the extremely competitive industry, they must make frequent updates with improvements in functionality and user interface. In a situation…

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Infographics Blog on Why Dynamic Workflows is a Significant Feature of HR Software

Infographics Blog on Why Dynamic Workflows is a Significant Feature of HR Software

Talking about efficient HR management, it's important to remember that every company is different. What works for one company may or may not work for another. The HR team is…

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Discover How Content Classification Feature of 3RDi Search can Help Your Enterprise

Discover How Content Classification Feature of 3RDi Search can Help Your Enterprise

What is the definition of content classification? The process of classifying content into preset categories is known as content classification. It can either be done manually or using algorithms. While…

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Assure Complete Privacy of Resume Data with Digital Resume Parser

Assure Complete Privacy of Resume Data with Digital Resume Parser

A resume parsing software is the solution to the long hours spent by the recruitment team in order to extract the most relevant data from the resumes. It allows the…

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Understanding Benefits of Dynamic Workflows with Digital HRMS

Understanding Benefits of Dynamic Workflows with Digital HRMS

When it comes to effective management of HR functions, one must consider the fact that every enterprise is different. What works for one enterprise might not work the same way…

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How Enterprise Solutions by T/DG Can Help Your Enterprise

How Enterprise Solutions by T/DG Can Help Your Enterprise

With shifting market dynamics and constantly evolving technologies, having a competitive advantage requires introducing products and services to the market as quickly as possible. All processes and activities must be…

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Accelerated Results with AI Based Resume Parsing Tool

Accelerated Results with AI Based Resume Parsing Tool

Recruitment is one of the key areas and responsibilities of the HR department and enterprises today are making an effort to attract and retain the top talent. After all, good…

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Discover the Benefits of Text Mining API for Your Enterprise

Discover the Benefits of Text Mining API for Your Enterprise

Unstructured enterprise data is extremely different and far more complex than the data you see on the internet every day. The data on the web is streamlined and organized, whereas…

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Infographics Blog on the Benefits of Automated Attendance Tracking with Digital HRMS

Infographics Blog on the Benefits of Automated Attendance Tracking with Digital HRMS

The formation of a geofence or virtual barrier around a given location is referred to as geofencing. Marketing, brand promotion, security, and automobiles are just a few of the fields…

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A Look at the Reporting Capabilities of QARAJ Add on for Jira

A Look at the Reporting Capabilities of QARAJ Add on for Jira

Since test reports reflect the true image of test performance, reporting is a vital step toward effective test management. Test reporting feature is required by today's QA experts to make…

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Key Parameters to Focus on for Effective HR Data Analytics

Key Parameters to Focus on for Effective HR Data Analytics

Today enterprises are leveraging the power of data in more ways than one. As the volume of enterprise data is increasing with every passing day, enterprises are experimenting with different…

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Explore the Capabilities of the 3RDi Search Platform

Explore the Capabilities of the 3RDi Search Platform

Every business relies on the ability to find the correct information precisely and promptly. In the enterprise, a lack of good search solutions has resulted in poor decision making, information…

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Discover Ease of Sharing Visual Feedback with Qapture

Discover Ease of Sharing Visual Feedback with Qapture

Jira is used by developers and QA experts to collaborate with members of their team as well as other teams on projects. In fact, one of the main reasons Jira…

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Infographics Blog on Why HR Data Analytics is Important

Infographics Blog on Why HR Data Analytics is Important

Despite the fact that data is a key driving factor behind today's corporate performance, many firms are still using the manual approach of business operations. While many may claim that…

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Explore Digital Resume Parser and Its Benefits for Your Recruitment Team

Explore Digital Resume Parser and Its Benefits for Your Recruitment Team

Since bringing the greatest personnel on board is critical to the company's growth and success, recruitment is one of the most important roles of the HR department. However, recruitment may…

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Exploring the Benefits of using QARAJ Issue Type in Test Management

Exploring the Benefits of using QARAJ Issue Type in Test Management

We have learnt in our previous blogs that Jira is increasingly being used by QA professionals for test management. This is because of the distinct advantages that Jira has to…

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Discover Real World Applications of Sentiment Analysis Technology

Discover Real World Applications of Sentiment Analysis Technology

The technology that analyses the actual sentiment behind a text or piece of material is known as sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis, also known as opinion mining, is a type of…

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Understanding Single Sign On (SSO) Feature of Digital HRMS and How it Works

Understanding Single Sign On (SSO) Feature of Digital HRMS and How it Works

Do you find it a challenge to remember the passwords for all the numerous applications you need to access every day? Well, let’s face it – it can be difficult…

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Explore Quartz Add On for Effective Time Tracking in Jira

Explore Quartz Add On for Effective Time Tracking in Jira

Jira is a platform developed by Atlassian that has revolutionized the way software teams manage issues and bugs in software by centralizing bug tracking on a single platform. The platform…

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Infographics Blog on Benefits of Single Sign On with Digital HRMS

Infographics Blog on Benefits of Single Sign On with Digital HRMS

We are in the digital era and today, one of the challenges faced by most of us is to remember multiple set of login credentials, especially passwords. When everything has…

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Overcoming HR Data Security Threats with Digital HRMS

Overcoming HR Data Security Threats with Digital HRMS

Business leaders around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the hazards hanging over organizational data, according to a Gartner survey. Despite this, a number of organizations have failed to…

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What You Need to Know about Information Overload

What You Need to Know about Information Overload

“Information overload occurs when the amount of input to a system exceeds its processing capacity. Decision makers have fairly limited cognitive processing capacity. Consequently, when information overload occurs, it is…

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